- The Celestia Citizen (“The Dawn of Patch 7.2” Edition)
Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen!
Spring is coming March 20th, and with its timing is not just the dawn of a new spring, but a new patch.
This will surely be a busy month for many players for various reasons, but a couple of worthwhile mentions to the purveyors of this proud publication.
Firstly, there is a new Moogle Tomestones event live. Until Patch 7.2 releases, which is expected in a few days from now, you will be able to participate in various content to get Moogle Tomestones and exchange them for a slew of new items. Refer to the linked article in Final Fantasy XIV News. Participating in this event can also be concurrent based on your participation in the next paragraph.
Next, If you participate in PvP and seek the Series’ rewards up to, and including, the level 25 reward of the Loose Fit Attire Coffer, you have just a few weeks left to complete your climb. Do your daily PvP via Frontline, get your Series level up, and work for this limited time attire for your character! If you also want some additional EXP for your PvP level gain on days between now and Patch 7.2, participate in Crystalline Conflict and Rival Wings. My personal recommendation is Crystalline Conflict. The turnaround time for completing 1 or 2 matches would earn you more EXP in that period of time than you would get doing a single Frontline match.
Also note that doing your Daily Frontline will earn you Moogle Tomestones for the event mentioned above.
And lastly, there will be other preparations to make for 7.2, some of which are basic: Maxing your Scrips, Tomestones. etc. Also be mindful of upcoming changes to Tomestones with Patch 7.2, as you will have a few weeks left to exchange older versions for Poetics before the next wave of retired Tomestones is rolled out. Please look towards more information to come in the future, as we get closer to a more conclusive date for Patch 7.2’s release and what will be present within it. Please do not hesitant to ask your fellow FC mates for guidance, suggestions, ideas, or even help in this endeavor!
And lastly, please refer to the News below for the schedule for some of our upcoming and recurring events, and be sure to sign up if you are interested via our Discord server!
Final Fantasy XIV News
PvP Series 7 – Running from Patch 7.1 to Patch 7.2 – Link
Crystalline Conflict – Season 13 Live – Link
Final Fantasy XIV Mobile Announcement – Link
Live Letter from the Producer LXXXV (Patch 7.2 Part 1 – Released 2/7; Please refer to the Discord link here for updates captured by our King’s Hand Harliqyn Mave): Link
Patch 7.18 (Released 2/25): Link
Moogle Treasure Trove Event (2/26 to Patch 7.2): Link
Little Ladies Day (3/3 to 3/17): Link
Live Letter LXXXVI (Patch 7.2 Part 2 – Released 3/14; Please refer to the Discord link here for updates captured by our King’s Hand Karah Thrace): Link
Upcoming Changes to Allagan Tomestones (Begins with Patch 7.2): Link
Free Company News and Social Events
Artisan Arrival – Celestia has a new Artisan! Please welcome Hyun Ahn to the team!
Officer Recruitment – Celestia is currently looking for Officers for various tasks and events! Please refer to the Advertisement in the FC Announcements channel in Discord!: Link
Member Recruitment – As always, Celestia is open to enrollment for new members! Have a friend who plays but needs an FC or a change of one? Meet someone while doing content that doesn’t have an FC? Happen upon a poor unfortunate soul while cruising the cities and towns in-game? Send them our way! Just be sure to notify an Officer when and if you have someone wanting to join!
FC Buff Rotation – Pictured below is the current FC buff schedule that will be in rotation for the FC. The current schedule will be included here for the newsletters, and also included in the FC Announcements on the Discord server.
Sunday Faux Hollows – For interest in Faux Hollows Night, please refer to the Link here for sign-up and details on these raids, which are scheduled every Sunday: Link
Monday “Old Content & Primal Learning” Events – Every Monday, event for running old content and learning Primal fights will be held. Please refer to the Discord server link here for all of our signups, which will include these events: Link
Tuesday 24-Man Event – For our recurring 24-Man event, scheduled at 8PM EST/EDT, please refer to the Discord server link here for this specific signup (rotation will include current raids, old content, maps, special runs, etc.): Link
Friday FATE Farm – Celestia currently is running a weekly FATE farm, occurring every Friday around 8PM EST/EDT. This is mainly for Dawntrail, but Endwalker sometimes may be included. Please signup via Discord and under our “all signups” channel when the next event is posted: Link
Saturday Eureka Adventure – Please join in for Eureka content held on Saturday afternoons from 2PM to 4PM EST/EDT: Link
Saturday Map Runs – With the release of Dawntrail, this event is recurring every Saturday as of 5PM EST/EDT. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link
World of Darkness (Chaotic) Raid Interest – Please refer to this link here for interest in participating in the Chaotic raid for World of Darkness. The objective is for learning the raid. The post will currently run until end of February, and will gauge participants for signup, including their job or role of preference. It is NOT a signup currently, as interest captured will determine the scheduling of the event at a later date : Link
Surprise Events (Hosted by Karah Thrace) – In the weeks to come, please keep an eye out for surprise events hosted by our King’s Hand officer, Karah Thrace. These events will be promoted in Discord and in-game by Karah with short term notice, but will be open to those to participate in. Please refer here for the Discord post for details: Link
La Noscea Shotpole Fishing Derby – On Sunday, 2/16, a fishing derby was held for the FC. The winners of this event are:
1st Place – Ensis Albens
2nd Place – Kitykat Meow
3rd Place – Taeeni Dawkwhil
Thank you to all of our resident fishermen on their excursion across La Noscea, and making this a wonderful event!
Beyond the Light Interview
What is your in-game character’s name?: My in-game character’s name is Lazy Turtle.
What race are you currently in-game?: I am currently and have always played as a Lalafell.
What drew you into your current choice of race?: Their reputation of being small, loud and annoying creatures!
When did you first start playing FFXIV?: I started my journey in Eorzea in June of 2021.
What drew you to pick up and play FFXIV?: It was recommended to me by a friend!
How far have you gotten into the MSQ (Main Story Questline) of FFXIV?: I’ve completed all the MSQ that is currently out (Patch 7.1 as of writing).
What was your first (job? class? role?) when you started?: The class I started as was an arcanist in Limsa!
What motivated you to pick that first (job? class? role?): I wanted to have the flexibility of leveling a DPS and a support playing as one job.
To date, what favorite jobs/roles/classes do you have?: Red Mage and Scholar are my favorite jobs! I moved away from Summoner around the time I got into Heavensward.
What kind of content do you enjoy?: PVE battle content, Maps, Gold Saucer, Gathering/Crafting.
What would you say is your favorite content type from FFXIV? And why?: MSQ. The story is what got me hooked in the first place!
What is one thing you like about FFXIV that distinguishes them from other MMOs?: The focus on storytelling. I’ve never played an MMO where I was as invested in the story as FFXIV.
If you could make at least 1 change to FFXIV based on personal preference, what would you pick and why?: I want more grand company content! The adventurer squadrons were some of the first side content I got really into and I’d like to see more!
What is your most memorable/favorite moment in FFXIV?: It might sound cheesy but my most memorable moment in this game was when I just started playing. There’s a special feeling when you get into a new MMO that you like, when the world feels really big and lively. Never thought I’d have so much fun killing level 1 wharf rats with laser beams.
When did you join Celestia?: I joined Celestia in June 2021
What drew you to join Celestia?: Soon after I started playing. The same friend that got me into the game introduced me to Celestia. Shout out to Von Beoulve for introducing me to this game and the free company!
What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: The welcoming and relaxed nature are qualities that I like about Celestia. I like being in a community that feels like they’re here to enjoy the game and have fun first and foremost.
What is your favorite weekly event to participate in with Celestia?: Raid night Tuesdays of course!
What’s your character’s name, and is there a story behind it?: My in-game character’s name is Lazy Turtle and it was an auto generated name I made a couple years before playing FFXIV.
What’s your main job, and why do you love playing it?: My main job is scholar and I love playing it because I have a pet carbuncle that follows me around and heals everything!
Do you have a favorite glamour or go-to look for your character?: I wouldn’t say I have a favorite glamour or go to look. I usually have different glamors for each of my jobs and sometimes switch them up every now and then.
If you could live in any city in Eorzea, where would it be and why?: I would have to say Limsa because I love the ocean vibes!
What’s your biggest “oops” or funniest moment in FFXIV?: I distinctly remember the first time I fought Shinryu I was playing as Red Mage and made it through the whole fight just to accidentally backflip off the stage right as he was defeated.
If you could design your own ultimate skill for your main job, what would it be?: Maybe summon a giant faerie or a bunch of faeries. Since I have Eos glammed as a carbuncle, it would also glam as a giant carbuncle or a bunch of carbuncles that would heal/rez the whole group.
What’s your go-to mount or minion combo?: Adamantoise mount and Ghido for the minion. Going full on turtle mode.
Do you have a favorite dungeon, trial, or raid? What makes it special?: My favorite dungeon has to be Amaurot because the scenery was really well done, the music was good and the story did a great job hyping it up. Favorite raid I would say is the Orbonne Monastery. It just has some amazing fights in it!
What’s your favorite thing about being in the FC?: The sense of community. It’s kind of like we’re a really big family.
If you had to describe the FC in three words, what would they be?: Chill, Relaxed, Fun
Who in the FC would you trust to tank a real-life crisis?: Von Beoulve because we go way back!
If the FC had a theme song, what would it be?: Friday I’m In Love – The Cure
If your character could have a job outside of adventuring, what would it be?: Relaxing on a beach.
If you were an NPC in FFXIV, where would you be and what would you say?: I’d be in Limsa and would warn the player about some of the locals who hang out at the aetheryte plaza.
You’re stranded on an island in Eorzea—what three things do you bring?: A fishing rod, bait and some drinks.
If your WoL had a catchphrase, what would it be?: “A clears a clear”
If you could have any real-life food in FFXIV, what would it be and why?: Ice cream! Something this game seems to be missing a lot of outside of a certain Dawntrail cutscene.
Beyond the Light – Revival
Beginning in March 2025, the Beyond the Light Interview is back to function. As in the prior section, the first of the return interviews is under our Magistrate, Lazy Turtle!
One major change to the interview is now there is a new miscellaneous section with a list of fun questions. Any interviewee may pick 10 of these questions to answer in their own way!
The link to the Interview form is here: Link
As before, one Interviewee will be picked from the list in a random draw, and will have their Interview featured in the newsletter! You may also provide any images or graphics of your character to include of your character with your interview should your interview drawn (Direct message on Discord will be done to followup on this)!
For any questions or issues with the Interview form, please message Scarlette Valanorr in Discord!
Announcement of New Members!
Please refer here for our newly joined members, and be sure to welcome them in game!
New Members
Vixen Bishmark
Fron Arda
Lisa Su
Heyyaku Mochizuki
Shadow Rains
Samson Xiii
Returning Members
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