
The Celestia Citizen (Here Comes The (Little) Sun Edition)

March 2022

Hello, fellow Celestians! Welcome to yet another edition of the Celestia Citizen newsletter! We are coming into the home stretch for a few things this month: Isolationism from our fellow friends and family, winter, time lost due to illness or seasonal effect, and of course the end of Endwalker’s 6.0 patch. This whole last month has yielded some substantial information coming for the game, giving us more detail in what we can expect for the future. Within the last month, we have had not one but two Live Letters air. The second one occurred just recently, which is why the wait in publishing this newsletter was necessary.

And now here we are, March 2022. The start of the second year into a new decade is well behind us now. But not the start of the second year’s warmer weather. As we see with each new year, it takes some time to get going. But eventually, spring comes, followed by summer, then diminishes with fall and ends with winter. It is an annual cycle that carries symbolism and meaning. As human beings, we take to the idea of beginning and end. Spring represents the start of a new cycle, new life. It grows and matures into the summer, peaks, and then begins to gradually wither down during the fall until we come to the ‘winters’ of our lives. And Endwalker represents the ‘winter’ of a long cycle that began nearly a decade ago. And as the 6.0 patch closed out the end of this epic story’s cycle, so too must it acknowledge the coming of the spring, the coming of the new dawn, the ‘sun’. And with the next patch comes a new dawn, the sun…the spring that heralds a new cycle and a new tale.

In opening, please enjoy the theme of this month’s newsletter: The Beatles’ classic “Here Comes The Sun”, and the fact that Y’shtola can be ruthless towards little suns.

Final Fantasy XIV News

Soon, the warmer activities will come: Picnics, casual walks, dancing mad in the hot sun…

The first order of business is to discuss what to expect for the game in the coming months.

As you have no doubt heard or seen, there were a total of two Live Letters that had occurred within the past month. The first was dated for February 18th, and the second had occurred on March 4th.

Detailed bits of information can be located via the Discord server, under the #ffxiv-updates channel. Please be certain to check there for the capture of information streamed live from both Live Letters, as made possible by our Officer Harliqyn Mave, and our FC leaders Scura Darkangel and Blessed Darkangel.

In addition, a site has gone up to detail when to expect the first major patch, and the summary of what is coming therein. It is located here:

The ETA on the patch is due for mid-April of 2022. Expect a more exact date to be announced within the next couple of weeks. But here are some significant bullet points to look over:

  1. New MSQ, new side quests, new Beast Tribe quests…and new Hildibrand quests!
  2. Adjustments to ARR duties/dungeons/trials/fights (Note that with how well received the Trust system was for Shadowbringers, and Endwalker, and a recognized desire for some players to enjoy the story without being completely restricted to playing with others, this option is going to be expanded upon with 6.1. This will result in virtually all of the ARR duties, dungeons, trials, and fights getting reworked so a single player can enjoy them without concern. Whether this will extend to Heavensward or Stormblood remains to be seen, but it is likely such changes will be entertained in future patches based on how well this is received).
  3. New Housing area will be live (Ishgard is the central location of the new housing area)
  4. New custom deliveries
  5. New high level duties
  6. New feature that will allow players to ‘try on’ FFXIV store items before buying (Yes, you will be able to see how outfits look on your character now without having to Google images or gamble your money on something mediocre)
  7. And more!!!

Again, please refer to the Discord server > #ffxiv-updates channel for details. For those who are interested in jumping onto Discord for the FC, please use the invite link here ->:

Next, we have a double whammy of in-game events hitting us. These were announced just as the newsletter was due to go live, and have been captured for direct reference here.

The first in-game event is Little Ladies’ Day, an annual event devoted to all females within Eorzea. It is a brief event that allows acquisition of some unique items and to participate in a fun day for the ladies. Details listed here:

The second in-game event is the return of Moogle Tomestones for a new event. This involves running various duties, dungeons, raids, and fights to accumulate Moogle Tomestones. These Tomestones can be exchanged for uncommon and rare goods that are normally locked behind performing other, standardized content. It is an annual event, which gives players opportunities to collect items that are hard-to-get, even unique (one event yielded a rare mount that was available for a limited time to specific players, the Falcon). Details listed here:

One other important bit of news is the resumation of automatic demolition. Please understand that due to the congestion and accessibility issues that plagued the game for the last couple of months, the automatic demolition was shut off. However, with vast improvements to the game’s systems and servers, and with continual improvement to resolve the game’s accessibility for all interested players, this has led the development team to re-evaluate the current state of automatic demolition. It was originally scheduled for March 9th, but has been delayed back again due to real life circumstances in the world today. Link to article:

Periodically, FFXIV performs system maintenance to accommodate both minor and major patches. The next maintenance for all worlds is scheduled for March 7th at 400pm PST to March 8th at 200am PST. Details located here:

Now, for some merchandising news. In the coming months, there will be a series of FFXIV themed merchandise releasing. These include: soundtracks, detailed information about the Eorzean world, short stories available for personal ownership, and posters!

Encyclopedia Eorzea, Volume 1:

Encyclopedia Eorzea, Volume 2:

Final Fantasy XIV, Poster Collection:

Final Fantasy XIV, Chronicles of Light (Short Stories):

NOTE: The collection of short stories above combines a mix of stories that were available on the FFXIV site to read, as well as some new ones from the development team.

Final Fantasy XIV, Endwalker Soundtrack:

NOTE: In addition to all of the upcoming items above, you may also try your hand at ordering available FFXIV artbooks and even cookbooks that are available to buy now. Note that many of these items, upcoming and available now, will also feature in-game bonuses in the form of different minions to collect!!!

And lastly, we are now in the last few days of the current FFXIV Online Store’s sale! It is due to end on March 10th, at 1100am PST. There are numerous mounts on sale, including the Lunar Whale and the Cruise Chaser mounts, as well as prior releases such as the Chocobo Carriage, the SDS Fenrir, and more!!! Note that numerous mounts on sale are ACCOUNT-WIDE; but there are some that are single character, so be mindful of what you buy! There are also some costumes on sale as well, including many of the recent ones released in the last few months (one of which is the Ryne outfit, which alas is NOT dyeable). The link to the Online Store and the current sale’s details are here:

That is all that we have right now for major FFXIV news. Stay tuned over the next month to find out what else might be in store!!!

Free Company Updates and Social Events

Dance, dance, dance revolution!!! And for Officer Auction…

Things were nice and quiet on the Free Company side this past month.

The most recent event held pitted our glorious Officers at the mercy of being paid to do whatever their fellow FC mates wished…within reason, of course.

The Officer Auction saw a slew of our Officers bid upon by willing patrons to do whatever one sought for a short amount of time.

Don’t expect the Full Monty here, but it can get pretty close…

Regarding the summary of the Officer Auction event, here are the Officers and the winning bidders:


Grey Rat = Mct Windsor
Sticky Buns = Blessed Darkangel
Kipdi Kipp = Ivy Leaf
Carletta Deremora = Simera Yeep
Aminore Vespertine = Blackhawk Slater

The next social event scheduled will pit RNG against TFC (the FC) in the form of Celestia Bingo! Signups are on the Discord server via the #social-event channel. Be sure to sign up there, as the event is scheduled March 19th at 800 EST.

Also, as a general notice to our fellow Free Company members, please understand this special message. With circumstances in real life regarding certain political or military movements, please be sure to keep respectful and considerate of any of our fellow members that may, or may not, have any ties to those elements. As a Free Company, we need to be bigger and better than what the world allows for. We aim to be a respectful, considerate, and open community that welcomes all FFXIV players to join the fold on Hyperion server. Understand a very simple saying: Treat people the way you want to be treated. Always aim for the best out of people. And when all else fails, be nice.

Always be nice…until it’s time not to be nice.

The Spring Equinox, and Daylight Savings Time

One fine moment of spring beauty is the petals of a cherry blossom tree.

Beginning in March, there are two significant events to keep in mind.

The first is Daylight Savings Time. It is due to occur on Sunday, March 13th at 200am EST. This will result in clocks going forward by 1 hour, and will remain that way until Sunday, November 13th at 200am EST. At that point, clocks will go back by an hour. Per the saying “spring forward, fall back”. The concept of Daylight Savings Time is listed on the official Wikipedia page here:

The whole concept of Daylight Savings Time is a very interesting read, and there are movements right now to eliminate Daylight Savings Time with regard to the continued shifting of clocks. Currently, all but two states in the United States observe the annual changes (Arizona and Hawaii do not formally recognize and use DST; the former does observe it within Native American nations), and most of Europe observes the annual changes. To date, many places in the world that used to observe Daylight Savings Time have retired the concept. Some places, such as numerous parts of Africa, many countries in the Asia and Oceania regions, have never observed Daylight Savings Time.

The other major event is the Spring Equinox (aka Vernal Equinox), due to begin on March 21st. This is when the sun moves across the equinox (the separating line that cuts from east to west on the global map AND separates the Northern hemisphere from the Southern hemisphere), and brings warmer weather to the Northern half with cooler weather in the Southern half. This usually leads to longer days and shorter nights. The next transition of the seasons will be on June 22nd, when the Summer Solstice occurs.

The reason why this is being brought up is as warmer weather opens up and allows people to interact together and go out into the world again, this will affect one’s availability to play the game. Understand that while many events are weekly and many are monthly or annually, know that you are under NO obligation to attend every event. Pick and choose the ones you want to participate in, and focus on your real life first. Our FC is very understanding. 🙂 And also know that if you ever need to abstain from the game for a period of time, be sure to let one of our Officers/Magistrates know so that you are given a fair shake on returning to the game.

Reminder: 2 Factor Authentication/Multi Factor Authentication

Don’t let hackers into your account, or they will find something magnificent or cool to take…

This is being revisited in another newsletter. And it will be vital for us to keep beating our FC members over the head with this critical news, for it is for their security that this is being done.

Please ensure that you safeguard your Final Fantasy XIV account, and your Discord account. Below is a copy-and-paste of my prior announcement made on our Discord server:

I am making a general awareness announcement to the FC in regards to security and safety for both your FFXIV accounts and your Discord accounts. With all of the rampant account hijackings occurring in the Discord world, you may have seen other servers stressing to avoid clicking on ‘sus’ (suspicious) links and downloads, especially from fellow server-mates. We are encouraging the same behavior in Discord so nobody has their Discord accounts hijacked and endangers others. If a member from the FC here does provide suspicious links or downloads directly to you, please reach out to one of our Magistrates ASAP. But what of the FFXIV front?

It turns out that ‘Yes’, you CAN have your FFXIV account get hacked. If a hacker gets your SQEX login that has a XIV account and sub attached to it, they could log in and give you a bad day. Do your diligence and safeguard yourself through the glory of 2-Factor Authentication in both Discord AND in FFXIV.

In Discord: Follow the safe link listed here for how to setup 2FA for your Discord account (this will just require you to download a free authenticator such as Google Authenticator, or Authy):

In FFXIV: Go to your Mog Station page (where you can manage your licenses, go to the shop for buying stuff, etc) > Square Enix Account Settings > “One-Time Password” > Select your choice of “token” or authenticator (per the image attached):

Security Token (key ring type, physical token): Retails for $14.99, no software on phone to juggle

Software Token (smartphone app): No cost, and uses Square Enix’s official Software Token app

Software Authenticator (smartphone app): No cost, offers flexibility on choice of authenticator app (Google, Microsoft, IBM, Authy, etc)

As always, be safe and keep yourselves secure for full enjoyment of these wonderful services, everyone!

Upcoming Newsletter Changes

“What would you say…you do here?”

This section warranted its own, in light of a couple of upcoming newsletter changes I am going to look into.

To expand the social reach of our Free Company, and give our members some interactivity with the others, one big change I am looking into will be a new section: Behind the Light

The goal of this section will be to provide our FC some social outreach at the embarassment willing participation of our officers and members.

This month, and for future months, a raffle of sorts will be held between our officers, and our FC members. At random, one officer and one member will be picked.

Note: This will currently be restricted to those on Discord, to allow for ease of communication and documentation of exact answers to avoid any hearsay (or embellishment of genuine answers)

This Officer and this Member will have carefully vetted questions posited to ask them about their experiences both as a FFXIV player, and as a Free Company member. Do NOT expect such spicy questions as favorite underwear color or choice, or their thoughts on politics. Instead, expect more reasonable questions such as: Their general history with the game, and the FC; Their favorite jobs with simple ‘Why’ questions, as well as many others. The goal of this will be show that irregardless of one’s role within the FC, we are all fellow players and we have our own lives in-game too.

More details will follow in the next newsletter.

Even Yoshi P is curious of what secrets will be dredged up.


And so comes the End…as we Walk towards it…and a New Adventure

Here’s the conclusion of our newsletter. As you can tell, we’ve had quite a bit to cover with this month. New FFXIV content finally arriving with a juicy patch or two, a new Spring, the absence of sleep for an hour, new social events and newsletter tidbits, and more. I want to thank everyone for their continued support of this wonderful game and wonderful Free Company. As we venture into warmer times of the year, and we start returning to some normalcy with real life, understand that there will always be something to look forward to on the horizon.

Whether it is a new job, a new car, a new place to live, a new plan for the year, a new family, a new friend (or friends), or more, there is always room for discovery within one’s self and without. Be sure to use this year to meet new friends, reunit with loved ones, improve your life for the better, and keep things always going towards the greater good for yourself.

Have a song about bright sunshiny days. And see you, Space Warriors of Light!!!

The Celestia Citizen (The End is Walked Edition)

January 2020 2022
Here we go again with another year of illness, being stuck at home, getting better, and stuck with some of the things that bring us joy in life, such as FFXIV.

Hello, fellow Celestians! Welcome to yet another edition of the Celestia Citizen newsletter! This one was running a tad later than usual due to the Christmas & New Year’s holidays, and my battling last minute illness the prior weekend. Normally, I aim to get this newsletter done within the first week of the month. Apologies for the lateness. On another note, here we are in another new year. We are already 1/5th thru the new decade and have many years to go before we hit the end of it. This year brings another year where we must hope for the better, pray for the best, and support each other in our most needful of times. Be sure to continue wishing your fellow man, woman, FC member, and whomever a merry happy new year!!! And with that out of the way, let’s press on with news!

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker News

What sorts of juicy details await in the cheeseburger of XIV news?

First off, all of the major congestion issues occurring through December with the holidays, the game launch, and the influx of players back to the world of Eorzea have been MASSIVELY improved. While there are still queues to contend with, many technical issues on the backend have been addressed. Continue to expect queue times and potential waits when jumping into the game, especially during peak hours. Idle timers are still in effect until further notice, so ensure you do not leave your game unattended for too long lest you be returned to the login screen.

Secondly, the game is enjoying a wonderful winter sale on its Optional Items page. This features numerous discounts on holiday-themed items (such as outfits from prior Heavensturn events, the festive equivalent to Christmas in Eorzea, mounts, decorations, etc). There is also the addition of the Snowman mount from a prior Heavensturn event. Details on the sale:

Third, the Heavensturn event is underway until January 16th! It is a very brief event that will allow you to get a couple of items, a house decoration, a food item, and celebratory items! Details on the event:

Fourth, the latest patch for the game, Patch 6.05, has been implemented. Major changes include: New treasure maps with a new area (Timeworn Kumbhiraskin Maps, and the Excitatron 6000 area), new Savage raids (Pandaemonium was added in with 6.01; Savage variant added in with this patch), new mounts, minions, items, and many other skill and bug fixes. Details on the patch here:

Lastly, expect the next major patch, 6.1, to release in another couple of months. What could be in it? One expectation is the new housing system, which will change how new houses are acquired. This couples with Ishgard’s new housing zones, which will be available in this patch then (if you want to see what to expect, go to the Firmament in Ishgard).

Also, be sure to expect the following in the near future: additional duties, raids, more story mode content, and one major feature coming to FFXIV: Island Sanctuary. We received tidbits on this feature during Endwalker press events last year. It is to be a mode where the Warrior of Light will participate in a Stardew Valley/Harvest Moon type of mode. As to what specifics will be coming with it, it remains to be seen. But considering the success these ‘slice-of-life’ titles have for some gamers (offering simple stories, many things to do/craft/gather/harvest, and the opportunity to build up from nothing, and offer ease-of-access for someone who just wants to enjoy a casual game), having a fanbase of millions of players get to enjoy that approach in their favorite MMO is a welcome feature.

The true endgame: Retiring from world saving to farming Thavnairian Onions

Now, here’s some fun trivia: In FFXIV, there have been uses of some guest actors that have hailed from one of the largest fantasy properties to have come about in recent years: Game of Thrones, based on A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. Please note that there will be spoilers based on where one is in the overall FFXIV story.

Game Of Thrones Joe Dempsie
Joe Dempsie (Gendry from Game of Thrones) plays Ardbert.
Spoiler 4.? 5.x?] One of the best changes in voice actors. : r/ffxiv
Michael McElhatton (Roose Bolton from Game of Thrones) plays Gaius van Baelsar.
And lastly, Gemma Whelan (Yara Greyjoy from Game of Thrones) voiced both Igeyorhm the Ascian, and returned for Endwalker to voice Ameliance (not pictured).

And here’s one more guest voice actor who isn’t Game of Thrones:

Toby Regbo (who appeared in the fictional shows Reign, The Last Kingdom, Medici: Masters of Florence, and most recently A Discovery of Witches) voiced Hythlodaeus (not pictured).

Social Events

We gonna party like it’s 1999 2020!!!

First off, we must acknowledge our prior major event: The Holiday Party and Darts Event!

This event involved jumping from the high tower in Coerthas Central Highlands in a blind direction to land as close to the resident target for the event as possible.

The following members won the Darts event by being closest to our resident target:

Secondly, there was one other event held recently: The FC Room Decorating Contest, which focused on Christmas theme this year.

The following members took home the winning spots:

Elyn Softflame – 1st Place

Kitiara Kittiana – 2nd Place

Carletta Deremora and Urbosa Vah’naboris – Tied for 3rd and 4th Places

Also, here is an image from the Holiday Party, showing all of our fellow FC members (or as many as we could fit on screen at the time…)

Our next social event coming is on Saturday, January 29th, which is the Ocean Fishing Event! Be sure to jump to Discord and check the #social-event channel for specifics, or reach out to Blackhawk Slater for details!

Sometimes, it be like that.

Buff Schedule for FC

Sometimes, you just need to get a buff or few…

Beginning with Endwalker, the FC prioritized the usage of specific buffs in order to benefit its members for gaining experience through battle, crafting, and gathering. This change was implemented at the cost of teleportation fees (which saw a tremendous buff in cost with the new expansion due to developer changes). Where teleportation fees ranged as high as 999 gil prior to Endwalker, the fees are now as high as 1500 gil per teleport (this is all based on distance from place-to-place, as well as if you are visiting another world). To mitigate this, one of a couple of options could have been implemented: Aetheryte tickets, FC mitigation, setting preferred/home locations. With Endwalker, new players would have had great difficulty managing teleportation costs with low stockpiles of Gil. However, as of January 4th, the FC has returned to its regular Buff rotation.

On 1/4, Teleport 3 buffs (40% reduction in teleport cost) will be in effect for 2 weeks (until 1/18), then will return to Teleport 2 buffs (30% reduction in teleport cost).

On 1/4 and onward, until further notice, the following buff schedule is in effect as well:

Mon – Randomized (there is a weekly poll in the #announcements channel on the FC discord)

Tues – Food

Wed – Gathering

Thurs – Crafting

Fri – Battle (3 for a couple of weeks, then 2)

Sat – MGP (this benefits the weekly Cactpot draw)

Sun – Battle (3 for a couple of weeks, then 2)

It is recommended, but not required, to take advantage of these buffs for marginal gains on whichever task you may set yourself to. That extra boost, combined with food, manuals, Well-Rested bonus, job bonuses (if you have a combat, crafting, or gathering job at a higher level than others of the same type, they will also benefit from XP boosts until they are same level as your highest), and more will all help with the climb to 90.

There is one more note regarding proprietary buffs with the Aetherial Wheels. I will explain this in the best detail that I can (these notes were provided with explanation by our resident Aurora Lightsnow 🙂 ):

The big reason why there are far more frequent Tier 1 and 2 grade buffs than Tier 3 buffs is due to the amount of resources/time needed to create the higher tiers. While Tiers 1/2 are obtainable via crafting or using FC credits from the Grand Company vendor, Tier 3 is a different monster. It requires crafted components, gathering materials to make them, and the materials are not obtainable solely through gatherers. FC airships are implemented to collect some of these resources. The airships take time to travel and gather. Once the materials are gathered, they are crafted into raw “Wheels” when finished. These wheels are naturally expensive on the market board and are always in limited supply (therefore it’s more efficient for cost to gather and craft them).

The Tier 3 wheels, being in a raw state at this point, require about 72 Real Life Hours (3 days) to charge. This leads to a maximum of two Tier 3 buffs that can be implemented in a week.

To summarize it: Tier 3 takes about 3 days at least to charge a single buff for the FC to use. Behind the scenes, it is a lot of work. Please appreciate the amount of work, time, and money that our fellow officers go through to bring this to everyone.

Want More Final Fantasy to Play on PC?

When Chaos?

Here’s a Final Fantasy related post. Aside from XIV, which Final Fantasy would you like to enjoy on PC? Well, here’s the good news: You will get to enjoy ALL of them!

Alright, not all of them in an official capacity. However, PC has the advantage of having ALL of the mainline entries available to enjoy.

This begins with the Final Fantasy “Pixel Remaster” project, whose goal is to bring some updates to the retro series of Final Fantasy games (encompassing the original thru to VI).

All 6 can be gotten through Steam (Final Fantasy VI is due for release February 2022).

Next, we have the 3D generation of Final Fantasy titles (encompassing VII thru XIII: Lightning Returns).

All of these can also be acquired through Steam.

Lastly, we have the modern generation of Final Fantasy titles: Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy VII Remake (Part 1), and Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.

Final Fantasy XV is available on Steam currently. Final Fantasy VII Remake (Part 1), while on PC, is currently available through Epic Games Store (this is expected to last anywhere from 6 months to a full year due to exclusivity deals between Square Enix and Epic Games). Once the exclusivity deal wears off, it will then be available on Steam. Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins (which is a modern remake of the original Final Fantasy) is expected March 18, 2022. Details here:

Final Fantasy XVI is the next mainline entry into the series expected, alongside Final Fantasy VII Remake (Part 2). However, further news on these is due to come later this year.

Better late than never.


Like Shadowbringers to Endwalker, it is always darkest just before the dawn…

Here we are. At the end of another year, another Final Fantasy XIV expansion…and the Final Fantasy XIV story itself, as told from 2010 with A Realm Reborn. Across a main game, and 4 expansions, we have experienced the telling of the story of Hydaelyn and Zodiark. We’ve traveled almost the entire world of Hydaelyn, and experienced a story spanning a long decade. We’ve witnessed the coming and going of many folks: players, NPCs, story characters. And despite the feels we’ve experienced along the way, none of them will hit as hard as what Endwalker has managed to do.

The reception to Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker has been met with universal acclaim. To date, Shadowbringers has a 90/100 on Metacritic with a 9.2 user rating. Endwalker currently sits at 91/100 with a 9.5 user rating. Despite the story reaching its end, it has managed to tie up things in a beautiful bow and has led to a finish line with 10+ years of payoff being rewarded. Now, we have the next 2 years to look forward to seeing what is to come for the next major story of Final Fantasy XIV.

As for the FC itself, I do wish to bring up a couple of talking points. For one, understand that despite this being the start of a new year, it is also winter time. This is where people will feel both at their best and their worst. We’ve had a long year, and there is another long year ahead. Things may not seem at their best right now, but they are not at their worst as of yet. Keep on hoping in the face of uncertainty.

We will get through this. I promise you.

Even if it’s just a fool’s hope.

Know that one of the greatest things we can have in the world right now is hope. It’s stronger than fear.

It’s deep inside of us all, where none can get to nor touch.

Despite all the terrible things that are happening, we always have to believe something good will come of it.

This is, after all, the season of perpetual hope. Just as winter comes, so will spring.

Anyways, this is turning into a wall of gifs and quotes, so I am going to cut it here. Just be sure to keep hope, and always strive to be excellent to each other. Look forward to the next newsletter, which will be expected during the first week of February. See you, space cowboys Warriors of Light.

The Celestia Citizen (The Gobbler Edition)

November 2021

Hello, fellow Celestians! Welcome back to another edition of the new Celestia Citizen! We’ve got a jam-packed edition here, brought to you first by our generous sponsor dancing for your enjoyment! He’s just getting his groove on for the upcoming turkey day here in the States! Yes, Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 25th! Expect copious amounts of culinary sides, drinks, and all the dark-and-white meat the groovy gobbler above will bring to your tables in a couple of weeks!

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker News

We are now in the homestretch for another 2 years of juicy MSQ, boss fights, gear, and dancing catgirls in Limsa Lominsa more!!! For those who have pre-ordered Endwalker, Early Access will be available on Friday, November 19th December 3rd (Please note that as of the Live Letter event on Friday, November 5th, 12/3 is the new Early Access date). This taste of what is to come will be available until the ensuing maintenance arrives a couple of days later. After that, Tuesday, November 23rd December 7th will be the Official launch of Endwalker!

Why the last minute delay?!

To put it simply, a game like this has been one of Square Enix’s big moneymakers of the prior decade. Normally, a quality project of this making would have had a fixed schedule for every couple of years. This expansion, it is trending closer to nearly 2 and a half years between expansions. With COVID-19 having caused the world to adjust itself for the sake of business in 2020 and 2021, it is expected that any prior standard held for the production of a FFXIV expansion will also have to adjust.

During the Live Letter presented from the Producer, Naoki Yoshida (aka Yoshi-P), he had expressed deep regret for the 2 week delay of the game’s new expansion. While this may inconvenience some folks who took time off for Thanksgiving week to enjoy Endwalker, it demonstrates the sheer quality that Yoshi-P has envisioned for the game since A Realm Reborn (ARR).

Thoughts on waiting 2 more weeks for new FFXIV expansion?

The next 2 weeks of delay is being implemented for QA (quality assurance), testing, launch preparations to ensure a minimum of traffic problems, and to guarantee that the game will release with that quality that Yoshi-P has kept continuous since ARR. And ultimately, it is to give the development team some breathing room to ensure the game meets what they had envisioned over the last couple of years.

The linked Live Letter announcement here has more detail:

Remember that ‘a delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad’ – Shigeru Miyamoto.

Use this time to enjoy current events, such as the Moogle Tomestones event, and to get another 2 weeks of enjoying legacy content out of the way. For any who may have felt that the game releasing soon would eat into their plans to be ready, you now have 2 extra weeks to prepare. Use it wisely!!!

Be sure to get lots of Gil saved, lots of tomestones saved, as much end-gear as you can possibly manage to jump right into the story, and all sorts of other things you may need for quick and easy XP come patch day.

Here’s a hint: The two new jobs, Reaper and Sage, will use the Maiming (Dragoon/Lancer) kits and general Healer kits, respectively. Go to Rhalgr’s Reach over the next couple of weeks, and stockpile Lv70/i400 armor and accessories for these two jobs. BUT NO BELTS! (Belts are going to be gone with the new expansion. You won’t be able to equip them, but you can sell them, desynth them, or just keep them for nostalgia)

And above all else, be thankful for the man Yoshi-P ensuring that we will all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with an amazing FFXIV expansion!

Social Events

First, let us cover the last month’s events for October!

The first of these events involved our murderous and mysterious Murder Mystery! This year, the downfallen special guest for our annual episode was the esteemed Harliqyn Mave! Riddled with tense moments and commercial breaks (especially for our resident Lalafellen), this culminated into a conclusion more juicy than a roasted turkey! In the end, the wonderous whodunit was solved by our own Z’atannia Tsu!

Secondly, our other major event of the month was our Halloween Contest! Who dared to bring as much innovation to their choice of XIV-wear as could be humanly possible?

The boldest of the lot was our own Jethra Vess, who proved that anything could be a monster capture game with enough effort!

Runner up went to Nor Epineph!

There was also the niche theme of this year’s contest: The Ugliest Costume!

The most imaginative of the lot was Urbosa Vah’naboris, who had shown off how courtly a jester can be.

The next upcoming event will be the Free Company Room Decorating Contest, which is due to end by November 5th at Midnight PDT! Be sure to sign up on the Discord channel under #Social-Event for this and any other upcoming events you wish to participate in! Expect the winning results to be published in the next Celestia Citizen! And please commend our winners this month for their amazing efforts! Understand that in the coming weeks, future newsletters will also reflect winners of not just FC social events, but also other contests and giveaways (such as our Nitro-exclusive giveaways, our donation-exclusive giveaways, and special ones privately hosted by contributive members of our FC at their own cost and contribution to a lovely FC!).

Regarding Account Security in Final Fantasy XIV

While this may seem a bit out of place to have on our monthly newsletter, it reflects a very important aspect of enjoying your online lifestyle: Account security.

Recently, I had made a goodwill post on the FC Discord regarding the recommendation and benefit of 2-step verification or multi-factor authentication.

Can you have your XIV account hacked? The answer is Yes, absolutely. You may have been enjoying a wonderful walk through one of the major cities, and all of a sudden, you see a tell or message come your way. Want lots of Gil for cheap real-world currency? Or are you being asked to advocate on a forum post at a link that looks ‘official’? Or is someone asking you to go to a specific page and vote for something? In any case, these direct messages to you are nothing special except to the ones who send it.

All these hackers need is to get your login username and password for your Square Enix account, and then they can jump in-game and kill your Gil and item storage. What’s worse is if you’re also in a Free Company and have access to some or all of the FC’s chests, these same hackers can hijack that content the same way and leave your fellow FC members reeling hard from loss.

How do I keep these sus hackers from getting my account accessed?

Good question. Fortunately, Square Enix offers THREE different ways to secure your account.

In FFXIV: Go to your Mog Station page (where you can manage your licenses, go to the shop for buying stuff, etc) > Square Enix Account Settings > “One-Time Password” > Select your choice of “token” or authenticator (per the image attached):

Security Token (key ring type, physical token): Retails for $14.99, no software on phone to juggle

Software Token (smartphone app): No cost, and uses Square Enix’s official Software Token app

Software Authenticator (smartphone app): No cost, offers flexibility on choice of authenticator app (Google, Microsoft, IBM, Authy, etc)

Once you have picked one of these 3 options and successfully registered it to your account, you are all set! Just be sure to grab your Emergency Removal Password from your SQEX account page and store it somewhere, such as across any accessible emails you keep for your own use.

Look for ‘Token Usage Status’ section on your SQEX Account Page – This is where your SQEX ID, your Security Token state, and Emergency Removal Password will be.

What is an Emergency Removal Password?

To sum things up, we are in an era where MFA and 2FA will become paramount in securing not just your Final Fantasy XIV account, but any account online. I personally use an app like Authy for Reddit, Discord, Twitch, my Square Enix account, and so much more!

Consider this in closing for this section: Is a few extra seconds to login worth lowering your risk of account loss to nearly zero, or is losing your account worth more than giving up a few seconds of time for login?


Well, here we are. Just 4 weeks from the first taste of Endwalker and then a few days after that to the next 2 years of our Eorzean lives! This is also the time of year where we’ll be on the lookout for Christmas movie marathons, freshly baked goods, frigid weather, and the end of a very long year.

It is very important during this month to have a general idea of one single factor: Gratitude

As we go into November and get closer to Thanksgiving, we are given to think of what we are thankful for. Be sure to look deep inside of yourself and fish for what you are grateful for in this year. Is it to be healthy, safe, and alive? Is it well wishing a friend or family member? Is it finally having a new XIV expansion? Whatever it is, acknowledge it, and use that to serve as your mark of gratitude for 2021. As much as I could wax poetic about gratitude, I’ll instead leave it to this nifty URL that presents 50 thankful quotes to remind us that gratitude must exist for the sake of being good:

Until next time. See you space cowboys Warriors of Light.