
The Celestia Citizen (“Warming Up to Winter” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen!

Firstly, we are several weeks into Winter for the year. With Spring due to begin around March 20th, this means the halfway mark will be reached sometime during the first week of February. And as we settle in to keep warm and get by with shorter days and longer nights, we also look towards the coming of the next major patch. Kick in your heaters and fireplaces to the appropriate setting, pour your hot beverage of choice, and settle in as we make it through this Winter to reach the warmer months.

And speaking of good news: The first of the Live Letters for Patch 7.2 is scheduled for this month, listed in FFXIV News section. This will give us some of what to expect with this major patch, and should serve as a reminder to those who have not done so for the following.

If you participate in PvP and seek the Series’ rewards up to, and including, the level 25 reward of the Loose Fit Attire Coffer, you have just a few weeks left to complete your climb. Do your daily PvP, get your Series level up, and work for this limited time attire for your character! If you also want some additional EXP for your PvP level gain on days between now and Patch 7.2, participate in Crystalline Conflict and Rival Wings. My personal recommendation is Crystalline Conflict. The turnaround time for completing 1 or 2 matches would earn you more EXP in that period of time than you would get doing a single Frontline match.

There will be other preparations to make for 7.2, some of which are basic: Maxing your Scrips, Tomestones, etc. Please look towards more information to come in the future, as we get closer to a more conclusive date for Patch 7.2’s release and what will be present within it.

And lastly, please refer to the News below for the schedule for some of our upcoming and recurring events, and be sure to sign up if you are interested via our Discord server!

Final Fantasy XIV News

PvP Series 7 – Running from Patch 7.1 to Patch 7.2 – Link

Patch 7.16 (Released 1/20) – Link

Crystalline Conflict – Season 13 Live – Link

Final Fantasy XIV Mobile Announcement – Link

Automatic Housing Demolition Timer for North America Data Centers – Resumes 1/8 12am PST – Link

Valentione’s Day (Runs from 2/3 to 2/17) – Link

Live Letter from the Producer LXXXV (Patch 7.2 Part 1, Miscellaneous Updates – Scheduled 2/7) – Link

Free Company News and Social Events

FC Buff Rotation – Pictured below is the current FC buff schedule that will be in rotation for the FC. The current schedule will be included here for the newsletters, and also included in the FC Announcements on the Discord server.

Sunday Faux Hollows – For interest in Faux Hollows Night, please refer to the Link here for sign-up and details on these raids, which are scheduled every Sunday: Link

Monday “Old Content & Primal LearningEvents – Every Monday, event for running old content and learning Primal fights will be held. Please refer to the Discord server link here for all of our signups, which will include these events: Link

Tuesday 24-Man Event – For our recurring 24-Man event, scheduled at 9PM ET, please refer to the Discord server link here for this specific signup (rotation will include current raids, old content, maps, special runs, etc.): Link

Friday Dawntrail FATE Farm – With Dawntrail, new Shared FATES are available to complete for the major zones. Celestia currently is running a weekly fate, occurring every Friday around 8PM ET. Please signup via Discord and under our “all signups” channel when the next event is posted: Link

Saturday Eureka Adventure – Please join in for Eureka content held on Saturday afternoons from 2PM to 4PM ET: Link

Saturday Map Runs – With the release of Dawntrail, this event is recurring every Saturday as of 5PM ET. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link

La Noscea Shotpole Fishing Derby – On Sunday, 2/16, a fishing derby will be held at various fishing locations across La Noscea. Signup for the event is in the included link here: Link

World of Darkness (Chaotic) Raid Interest – Please refer to this link here for interest in participating in the Chaotic raid for World of Darkness. The objective is for learning the raid. The post will currently run until end of February, and will gauge participants for signup, including their job or role of preference. It is NOT a signup currently, as interest captured will determine the scheduling of the event at a later date : Link

Surprise Events (Hosted by Karah Thrace) – Beginning in January, please keep an eye out for surprise events hosted by our King’s Hand officer, Karah Thrace. These events will be promoted in Discord and in-game by Karah with short term notice, but will be open to those to participate in. Please refer here for the Discord post for details: Link

Beyond the Light – Paused Until Further Notice

As of January 2025, the Beyond the Light interview will be on pause until further notice.

Announcement of New Members!

Please refer here for our newly joined members, and be sure to welcome them in game!

New Members

Shhh Whispers

Gato Blue

Vana Saryn

Yuri Tardid

Sir Buddha

Rio Solaris

Lilo Piko

Nick Fletcher

Glidayne Severhauld

Koto Makoto

Fate Anos

Craulf Erin

Arc Conjurer

Returning Members

Poo’tie Tang

Kyoka Yamayura

Wren Beaumont

Rhaemona Targaryen (previously Zeliene)

Millienna Runja

Dedrick Bishmark

Sun Lian (previously Angel Breaker)

The Celestia Citizen (“25 Years in the Making” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! This edition is to commemorate two things.

Firstly, with each year’s end, the Free Company celebrates its annual festivities for Christmas and the Holidays. This event occurs in the form of our Christmas Party, featuring raffles, gifts, Darts, and commemorative images from the event. Read on in the Free Company News and Social Events section for details.

Secondly, with the end of 2024, it will mark a full 25 years into the new Millennium. From January 1st, 2000 to December 31st, 2024, we have seen significant movements within the world in a short time.

Looking back to how things were then, we may be reminded of little things that mean much more to us now. So many events had unfolded in the world. People have changed. What we enjoyed in our youth may still be enjoyed in our older age. One of the more enduring examples is Mario, one of the OGs of video game characters.

25 years has allowed us to make numerous advances in technology, science, medicine, entertainment. Trends have come and gone, or are making comebacks. What used to make our lives harder or challenged us in the past may now be much easier to tackle nowadays. It’s worth looking back and reminiscing about where we’ve come from and to where we’ve gotten.

And in the case of Final Fantasy XIV, it has been with us for over half of that long journey. With the launch of the original XIV in 2010, it eventually returned in 2013 as A Realm Reborn. For a time capsule, reference the images below for how characters appeared in 1.0, followed by ARR and then Dawntrail. To really appreciate the advances the game had made, consider how far gaming technology has come to allow more intricate graphics to be managed. Especially small details that stand out that make the characters look better on modern tech.

With this newsletter, I want to invite everyone who reads it to consider something specific. I want everyone to think back over the last 25 years, should they have been around that long, and think of the things that had such meaning and such impact to them in those years. And may we keep the next 25 years in mind as we make our way to the midpoint of the first century of the New Millennium.

And in closing, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year for 2025!!!

Please refer to the News below for the schedule for some of our upcoming and recurring events, and be sure to sign up if you are interested via our Discord server!

Final Fantasy XIV News

PvP Series 7 – Running from Patch 7.1 to Patch 7.2 – Link

Crystalline Conflict – Season 12 Live – Link

Final Fantasy XIV Mobile Announcement – Link

Patch 7.15 – Released 12/17 – Link

FFXIV Sale (Complete & Dawntrail Editions) Ends 1/9! – Link

Heavensturn Event – Runs 12/31 to 1/16 – Link

New Year’s Greetings from Naoki “Yoshi-P” Yoshida! – Link

Automatic Housing Demolition Timer for North America Data Centers – Resumes 1/8 12am PST – Link

Free Company News and Social Events

FC Buff Rotation – Pictured below is the current FC buff schedule that will be in rotation for the FC. The current schedule will be included here for the newsletters, and also included in the FC Announcements on the Discord server.

Saturday Map Runs – With the release of Dawntrail, this event is recurring every Saturday as of 5PM ET. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link

Monday “Old Content & Primal LearningEvents – Every Monday, event for running old content and learning Primal fights will be held. Please refer to the Discord server link here for all of our signups, which will include these events: Link

Tuesday 24-Man Event – For our recurring 24-Man event, scheduled at 9PM ET, please refer to the Discord server link here for this specific signup (rotation will include current raids, old content, maps, special runs, etc.): Link

Friday Dawntrail FATE Farm – With Dawntrail, new Shared FATES are available to complete for the major zones. Celestia currently is running a weekly fate, occurring every Friday around 8PM ET. Please signup via Discord and under our “all signups” channel when the next event is posted: Link

7.1 Big Fish Hunt – Please join in on January 18th from 7am to 6pm PST to capture the new Big Fish additions that were added with Patch 7.1. Please signup via Discord and under our “all signups” channel OR via the direct link here: Link

Holiday Home Parade – On Saturday, December 21st, votes were held for the best decorated domicile for the holidays. There were a couple of close competitors this year, but in the end one had to win it all!

First place went to Orgun Pendragon.

Second place went to Z’attania Tsu.

And the winner of the raffle was Dragon Ramen.

Please congratulate our winners for this festive festooning for the year!

FC House Holiday Glamour – For the holidays and the new year, the FC house had undergone decoration to match its majestic presence within Ishgard!

Celestia’s Christmas Party (and Darts event) – On Saturday, December 28th, Celestia held its annual Christmas Party.

This party featured our Darts event. where the objective was to measure which participant was closest to the intended target.

First place that was closest to the target was Tall-Drink O’water with a measure of 7.83 ilms.

While no one was dead on, there were certainly some close ones!

Next, our King & Queen & Officers participated in gift giving to our attendees, featuring all sorts of prizes from mounts to minions to glamour pieces to dyes to even vouchers for Free Company (FC) services!

To conclude the party, additional prizes were raffled off to participants through random draws. Thank you to Scura Darkangel for the lovely montage!

And to end the party, a glorious explosion of avians! Thank you to Luna Scarlett for the pictures!

As everyone ventured on to enjoy their holidays in-game and off-game, a memento of the party was captured for posterity. Please enjoy the photograph here of all of our attending FC members!

Beyond the Light – Paused Until Further Notice

As of January 2025, the Beyond the Light interview will be on pause until further notice.

Announcement of New Members!

Please refer here for our newly joined members, and be sure to welcome them in game!

New Members

Kai Strife

Taeeni Dakwhil

Jin Kurayami

Returning Members

Purple Microdot

Emilia Soma

Ladd Russo

Celestia Citizen (“Festivus for The Celestivus” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! For this edition of the Newsletter, it comes at a rather precarious time for us. We have had a long November, with temperatures finally starting to drop, the days getting shorter, and a shift away from gorging on candy to gorging on other things.

We have just finished our Thanksgiving holiday, and now have the last and most meaningful of holidays to look forward to this year: Christmas.

Unfortunately, with the timing of our newsletter, the next one will come out much too late to really draw in the festive spirit in time.

Instead, this newsletter will be our Festivus for the rest of us.

If you are hunting for some last minute Thanksgiving delights to enjoy for the year, there are two movies I could recommend. First is notable and pretty much everywhere to watch. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (1987).

Secondly, this is mainly on streaming but is worth a watch. Dutch (1991).

Unfortunately, there are not many notable Thanksgiving themed movies I can recommend aside from these two. However, with Christmas on the way, there are certainly a few I can recommend.

If I had to recommend one for this year, it would be The Man Who Invented Christmas. Not a Christmas movie, per se. Instead, it focuses on Charles Dickens as he is crafting A Christmas Carol to become the eventual tale.

If there was one Christmas movie you would recommend each year, what would it be?

While you ponder that thoughtful question, please enjoy this newest edition of the newsletter!

Refer to the News below for the schedule for some of our upcoming and recurring events, and be sure to sign up if you are interested via our Discord server!

Final Fantasy XIV News

PvP Series 7 – Running from Patch 7.1 to Patch 7.2 – Link

Crystalline Conflict – Season 12 Live – Link

Mister Foxclon’s Neighborhood “Global Housing Tour” – Premieres on YouTube Live Friday, December 20th at 3AM PT – Link

Final Fantasy XIV Mobile Announcement – Link

Patch 7.11 – Released 11/26 – Link

Free Company News and Social Events

FC Buff Rotation (Beginning 7/30) – Based on voting results, a new FC buff schedule will be in rotation for the FC. The current schedule is included here, and also included in the FC Announcements on the Discord server.

Saturday Map Runs – With the release of Dawntrail, this event is recurring every Saturday as of 5PM ET. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link

Monday “Old Content & Primal LearningEvents – Every Monday, event for running old content and learning Primal fights will be held. Please refer to the Discord server link here for all of our signups, which will include these events: Link

Tuesday 24-Man Event – For our recurring 24-Man event, scheduled at 9PM ET, please refer to the Discord server link here for this specific signup (rotation will include current raids, old content, maps, special runs, etc.): Link

Friday Dawntrail FATE Farm – With Dawntrail, new Shared FATES are available to complete for the major zones. Celestia currently is running a weekly fate, occurring every Friday around 8PM ET. Please signup via Discord and under our “all signups” channel when the next event is posted: Link

Holiday Home Parade – This event is for a tour of many FC members’ homes as they decorate and participate in the Holiday season! The tour will be held on December 21st at 2PM ET. Votes for best decorated home will be held from then until the Christmas party, and prizes will be awarded to those with highest votes for best decorated Houses and Apartments. Details on the submission, voting, and prizes is in our Announcements channel here: Link And please refer to the signup on Discord here!: Link

Celestia’s Christmas Party – Our annual Christmas party is scheduled for Saturday, December 28th at 9PM ET. Gifts will be given to our FC members, and a game of Human Darts will be available to play (and a chance for our best performing members to win prizes!). Please refer to the signup in Discord here!: Link

Beyond the Light Interview

What is your in-game character’s name?: Alaric Seraphis

What race are you currently in-game?: Hyur

What drew you into your current choice of race?: I wanted my WoL to resemble myself — my character is me if I were a FF character.

When did you first start playing FFXIV?: Jan 2019

What drew you to pick up and play FFXIV?:

Beyond FFXI, I was unaware of an MMORPG FF game until an unlikely friend of mine informed me. Being a huge fan of the series, I jumped into it immediately.

How far have you gotten into the MSQ (Main Story Questline) of FFXIV?: Stormblood. I’d say I’m about halfway through.

What was your first (job? class? role?) when you started?: Thaumaturge! And I remain a Black Mage.

What motivated you to pick that first (job? class? role?): Long time fan of the series, I’ve played every FF title. I guess you could say it’s my favorite job. Alongside Dark Knight.

To date, what favorite jobs/roles/classes do you have?: Black Mage and Dark Knight.

What kind of content do you enjoy?: MSQ, Savage Raids, Duty Content, Side Quests, Collectible Gathering

What would you say is your favorite content type from FFXIV? And why?: I’m trying to get through the MSQ to catch up. But I refuse to progress without doing all side quests. But I really do enjoy queuing up with my FC in a raid or dungeon.

What is one thing you like about FFXIV that distinguishes them from other MMOs?:

The community here is better than other MMOs. I actually feel like we’re an in-game family here.

If you could make at least 1 change to FFXIV based on personal preference, what would you pick and why?:

Honestly, I’m not sure…

What is your most memorable/favorite moment in FFXIV?:

I was in the FC for like a year before I started interacting with everyone. Queuing up to run roulettes and dungeons with the FC is by far my favorite experience outside of the story itself.

When did you join Celestia?: Jan 2022

What drew you to join Celestia?: Not being part of an FC, I had many FC invites. But the FC I joined prior seemed to be an FC full of kids. Which is fine, but…I’m a grown man. So I left that one and just happened to stumble upon Celestia. The history with FFXI and the charter got my attention.

What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: We have an awesome community here! People from all walks of life. Fans of the series from the very beginning and newcomers to the series. We’re from all over the US and we don’t let petty shit get between us. We’re all here for the experience and it’s great.

What is your favorite weekly event to participate in with Celestia?: I don’t have a favorite. I’ve participated in a few…but what’s awesome is that we have these events constantly going on. Maybe it’s not my thing today, but maybe it’s exactly what I’m trying to do tomorrow.

Thank you to our monthly newsletter participant for a wonderful interview! 🙂

Call 2 Interview (For Beyond the Light)!

We currently are in need of more FC members willing to participate in our Beyond the Light interview!

If you do wish to participate, and have any questions, or if you are not certain if you have already participated, please message me directly on Discord under Scarlette Valanorr.

The link to the interview form is here, as well as hosted under our Discord server > #announcements channel!

Important: There is a new interview form open to ALL members, whether a Google Account is used or not. Pictures are optional, and those selected to be interviewed for newsletter will be followed up with for possible pictures.

Form Link: Link

Announcement of New Members!

Please refer here for our newly joined members, and be sure to welcome them in game!

New Members

Ginger Marlowe

Elagorn Parsemontret

Solario Allere

Arayah Arelys

Auriella Arelys

Adule Flare

Galidrael Forsworn

Ensis Albens

Elamar Tanthul

Returning Members

Vergil Orlasrach

Heart Seeker

Franky Syre (formerly Disco Destructo)

Flounder Liresh (formerly Si’er Verralia)

Celestia Citizen (“Hallowed Be Thy Ween” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! This Edition of the Newsletter is a special one, a sort of course-correction letter. To get back on schedule, and have something substantial to offer for this edition, the current edition is a splicing of our October and November ones! Just keep in mind that this will only cover material that was during October and some of September!

With that, let us acknowledge that yet another year has come to bring us the spookiest time of the year. While folks are cataloging their costumes to avoid any repeats of prior years, consolidating their candy stores, or stockpiling a good sack for said candy, or even dishing out their decorating prowess for ripe pumpkins, ornate homes and apartments, or other places of note, let us not forget that Halloween is a time to remember how scary the world can be.

Read here for how Halloween is celebrated in other countries around the world, from Mexico’s observation of “Dia de los Muertos” to Italy’s Ognissanti to Japan’s Obon celebration, and more!

That aside, what else do you do to stand out for Halloween each year? What is your ritual that stands out? For me, I stick with an annual watch of Tales from the Crypt.

If you can hunt down this classic series, including the two movies “Bordello of Blood” and “Demon Knight”, good luck to you. Thankfully, the series is on Roku Channel, Tubi, and Crackle to stream. The two movies, however, are only on Starz to stream, which alas means another streaming service. Nevertheless, they are campy horror fun worth the plunge.

With that out of the way, let us acknowledge this beefy edition of our newsletter and get going!

Refer to the News below for the schedule for some of our upcoming and recurring events, and be sure to sign up if you are interested via our Discord server!

Final Fantasy XIV News

PvP Series 6 – Ends with Patch 7.1 Due for Release on Date Below: Link

Responding to Feedback on Player Character Models (Following Patch 7.0): Link

Community Finder – Founding Member Recruitment Feature: Link

All Saints’ Wake 2023 Items & New “Adventurer’s Supply Kit” added to FFXIV Online Store!: Link

Fall Guys Collaboration Event – Live as of October 23rd!: Link

Patch 7.1 Special Site Is Now Live! Patch Releases November 12th!: Link

Moogle Treasure Trove – The Hunt for Goetia – Ends with Release of Patch 7.1!: Link

Live Letter LXXXIV Details: Link

Free Company News and Social Events

Promotion to Artisan: Please welcome Mystanie Hunta as our newest member of the Artisans group!

FC Buff Rotation (Beginning 7/30) – Based on voting results, a new FC buff schedule will be in rotation for the FC. The current schedule is included here, and also included in the FC Announcements on the Discord server.

Saturday Map Runs – With the release of Dawntrail, this recurring event has returned as of August 3rd at 5PM ET, and is recurring every Saturday at same time. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link

Monday “Old Content & Primal LearningEvents – Every Monday, event for running old content and learning Primal fights will be held. Please refer to the Discord server link here for all of our signups, which will include these events: Link

Tuesday 24-Man Event – The normally scheduled Tuesday 24-Man event will return with Patch 7.1’s release on November 12th. Please refer to the Discord server link here for this specific signup (rotation will include current raids, old content, maps, special runs, etc.): Link

Halloween Glam Contest – On Saturday, 10/26, the FC held its Halloween contest to see the ghoulish glamours, the spookiest ‘sembles, and the weirdest wardrobes that our participating members have to bring! Below are our winners with pictures:

-1st Place, and winner of 3 million Gil prize: Luna Scarlett

-2nd Place, and winner of 2 million Gil prize: Orgun Pendragon

-3rd Place, and winner of 1 million Gil prize: Junno Highwind

Congratulations to our winners, and honorary mention to our other participants and their amazing costumes as well!: Berinhard Knightt, Rivardr Runari, and Sasha L’Grey.

Pumpkin Carving Contest – During the month, we asked our members to put up their cut and carved pumpkins to find the best carvings as voted on by the FC! Below are our winners with pictures:

-1st Place, and winner of 3 million Gil prize: Kittykat Meow

-2nd Place, and winner of 2 million Gil prize: Karah Thrace

-3rd Place, and winner of 1 million Gil prize: Kitiara Kittiana

Congratulations to our winners, and honorary mention to our other participants and their superb pumpkin carvings!: Sasha L’Grey, Simera Yeep,

Beyond the Light Interview

What is your in-game character’s name?: Allura Lorelei

What race are you currently in-game?: Miqo’te

What drew you into your current choice of race?: I was trying to Min/Max my stats for the future.

When did you first start playing FFXIV?: June 2017

What drew you to pick up and play FFXIV?:

When I was a kid my stepdad bought me a copy of Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals. I greatly fell in love with the JRPG genre and was clamoring for more. We were poor when I was little so I was lucky if I got a couple games a year so after getting Super Mario RPG and Secret of Evermore the following years, my parents got me Final Fantasy 4. I was obsessed with the game, I easily have at least a hundred play throughs and have owned it on SNES, Gameboy Advance, and Nintendo DS. When my stepdad’s networking business took off in 1999 my parents got me a PlayStation 2 for Christmas in 2000. My first game was Final Fantasy 10. Played it tons and still play it every once in a while. I really wanted to play FFXI but my parents were very skeptical of online gaming. When I joined the Air Force in 2007 I started playing Phantasy Star Universe online. I had a group I played with that made every experience fun but as most people know it didn’t take long for PSU to die due to the success of WoW and FFXI. When I saw the FFXIV Online release in 2010 I really wanted to play it but it wasn’t in the cards with having a newborn baby, fairly new marriage, and my military career. After seeing the ARR release in 2013 I, once again, really wanted to play it but between the many deployments that year and my family I just didn’t have time. While perusing the PS4 store in 2017 I saw the sale they were having for the release of Stormblood and said “You know what? I ain’t putting it off anymore!” and snagged a digital copy. And other than a 2 year break I’ve been trapped by the fun and laughter it brings with friends.

How far have you gotten into the MSQ (Main Story Questline) of FFXIV?: Finishing up Dawntrail right now.

What was your first (job? class? role?) when you started?: Dragoon

What motivated you to pick that first (job? class? role?): I thought Kain Highwind in FF4 was the coolest character ever and when I saw you could play as Dragoon I knew I had to snag it.

To date, what favorite jobs/roles/classes do you have?: Red Mage/Blue Mage

What kind of content do you enjoy?: MSQ, PvP, Savage Raids, Crafting and/or Gathering, Duty Content, Side Quests, Collectible Getting, Other: “Annoying Blessed” (joke)

What would you say is your favorite content type from FFXIV? And why?: Collecting anything that’s a permanent unlock. (Mounts, minions, cards, songs, hairstyles, titles, etc)

What is one thing you like about FFXIV that distinguishes them from other MMOs?:

The graphics. I’m a big graphic geek and love how much more beautiful the game is as opposed to the other MMOs. The 240 framerate is the best.

If you could make at least 1 change to FFXIV based on personal preference, what would you pick and why?:

Bring back cross class abilities but job specific ones. I want to see a Black Mage charge in to Fell Cleave a boss.

What is your most memorable/favorite moment in FFXIV?:

Going to Fan Fest 2018 with my real life buddy Pox. I know that’s not an in game event but it would have never happened if I didn’t play this game.

When did you join Celestia?: October 2017

What drew you to join Celestia?: I was invited by a previous Kings Hand after my first free company fell apart and disbanded.

What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: Although I know it’s hard to get a group this large to participate and interact in events, everything always seems to pull through. FC chat is never quiet. ESPECIALLY if Harli is on.

What is your favorite weekly event to participate in with Celestia?: 24 man raids. They get so hectic. It’s a lot of fun.

Thank you to our monthly newsletter participant for a wonderful interview! 🙂

Call 2 Interview (For Beyond the Light)!

We currently are in need of more FC members willing to participate in our Beyond the Light interview!

If you do wish to participate, and have any questions, or if you are not certain if you have already participated, please message me directly on Discord under Scarlette Valanorr.

The link to the interview form is here, as well as hosted under our Discord server > #announcements channel!

Important: There is a new interview form open to ALL members, whether a Google Account is used or not. Pictures are optional, and those selected to be interviewed for newsletter will be followed up with for possible pictures.

Form Link: Link

Announcement of New Members!

The FC welcomed a large number of new and returning members for August. Please refer here for our newly joined members, and be sure to welcome them in game!

New Members

Jaqen Windrunner

Rollo Vinet

Eva Wurgoth

Young Highbridge

Asuka Suzuki

Luna Beans

Returning Members

Blood Spark

Zugar Pudding (formerly Zugar Cakes)

Deus Fio

Unholy Neotxn

Ruillian Kalaby

Mas Tigia

The Celestia Citizen (“A New Anniversary Rising” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! It is September 2024, and we are now in the last days of summer for another year. This time of year was also the return of the annual The Rising event in-game for Final Fantasy XIV. However, due to the event scheduling between newsletter releases, the event has now concluded. Still, it will serve as this month’s newsletter theme, complete with this spiffy image for the 11th anniversary of the event.

Now, what is the Rising? The Rising is an event that commemorates the Seventh Umbral Calamity in-world and experiences new stories each year to pay tribute to this in-game history. When the game relaunched as A Realm Reborn following its original release back in 2013, the Rising replaced the Foundation Day event that the original FFXIV had. Both The Rising, and the Make It Rain campaign, were both created for ARR while other events within ARR had existed within the original game.

Do not fret, though, as we still have plenty of fun events on the way. We have our weekly rotation of regular events for our FC, as well as our drawing closer to seasonal or special holiday events in the coming months. As things cool down for the year, let your excitement warm up for what is coming!

Refer to the News below for the schedule for some of our upcoming and recurring events, and be sure to sign up if you are interested via our Discord server!

Final Fantasy XIV News

PvP Series 6 – Running from Patch 7.0 to Patch 7.1: Link

Live Letter LXXXIII – Scheduled for September 28th: Link

Responding to Feedback on Player Character Models (Following Patch 7.0): Link

Free Company News and Social Events

FC Buff Rotation (Beginning 7/30) – Based on voting results, a new FC buff schedule will be in rotation for the FC. The current schedule is included here, and also included in the FC Announcements on the Discord server.

Celestia Dawntrail FATE Farm (Weekly, Beginning 8/9) – FC members will have opportunity to participate in FATE runs across all of Dawntrail’s zones to level jobs, farm Bicolor Gemstones, and complete Shared FATE progress. Requirement is a Level 90 combat job. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link

Lalaball III (Winners) – On 8/17 our third Lalaball event was held. Listed are the winners of the event. Congratulations to our winners!

1st Place – Faey Baali & Gwyn Cinder’sol

2nd Place – Karah Thrace and Dr-victor Vondoom-esq

3rd Place – Lucie Purr and Simera Yeep

Honorable Mentions (To the Lalaballs) – Simera Yeep, Brownie Bites, and Sadie Hara

Saturday Map Runs – With the release of Dawntrail, this recurring event has returned as of August 3rd at 5PM ET, and is recurring every Saturday at same time. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link

Monday “Old Content & Primal LearningEvents – Every Monday, event for running old content and learning Primal fights will be held. Please refer to the Discord server link here for all of our signups, which will include these events: Link

Tuesday Rotation – Tuesday will now a rotating event, which will be held at 6PM PT/9PM ET until Patch 7.1. Please refer to the Discord server link here for this specific signup (rotation will include current raids, old content, maps, special runs, etc.): Link

Shark Week Returns! – Please reference the Discord post here for information on our upcoming Shark Week event, scheduled to begin on Thursday, 9/26 thru to Wednesday, 10/2: Link

Murder Mystery Redux – Please keep an eye out for the return of our murder mystery event via the Discord server and under our signups channel: Link

Halloween Event – Please keep an eye out for our annual Halloween event via the Discord server and under our signups channel: Link

Beyond the Light Interview

What is your in-game character’s name?: Majestic Eagle

What race are you currently in-game?: Miqo’te

What drew you into your current choice of race?: I have had the chance to try out the many different races, and I find that the Miqo’te is the nice in between of everything. It’s not too small, so I can actually see whats going on around me, and not too big that it takes up my entire screen. They are also the cutest with their tails, and have amazing hairstyles to choose from and the ability to wear any hat in the game if I want.

When did you first start playing FFXIV?: July 2014

What drew you to pick up and play FFXIV?:

I was playing the original Destiny and a friend of mine from there convinced me to come over and try out Final Fantasy.

How far have you gotten into the MSQ (Main Story Questline) of FFXIV?: End of Dawntrail MSQ

What was your first (job? class? role?) when you started?: Thaumaturge

What motivated you to pick that first (job? class? role?): I picked up that class not knowing anything of the game. I didn’t take any time to research what any class did. I just wanted to play the game with friends.

To date, what favorite jobs/roles/classes do you have?: Summoner, Warrior, and White Mage

What kind of content do you enjoy?: Crafting and/or Gathering, Duty Content, Side Quests, Collectible Gathering

What would you say is your favorite content type from FFXIV? And why?: I love to do crafting and gathering the most. When I returned to the game after a 4 year break, someone from Celestia was kind enough to make me a set of gear for my first class to 90, and that was the thing that got me going into crafting and gathering the most. I now spend time making gear and everything for everyone that I can.

What is one thing you like about FFXIV that distinguishes them from other MMOs?:

I really like the fact that I don’t have to change characters every time I want to play a different job. I also believe that the team that makes Final Fantasy are some of the best story tellers in the business. Their art teams come up with amazing designs and are always trying to challenge themselves to make it even better. The music in this game is amazing. Almost any zone I go to, I could spend hours just sitting there listening to it.

If you could make at least 1 change to FFXIV based on personal preference, what would you pick and why?:

Why in the heck do we not have a Tackle Box??? Its been 6 expansions so far and the people have been yelling for it from the shores of La Noscea all the way to the Sea of Stars.

What is your most memorable/favorite moment in FFXIV?:

My most favorite moment was when I was progressing through the Final Coils of Bahamut, and was fighting Bahamut himself. That fight was amazing. My heart was always racing, the music fit that fight perfectly, and when Bahumut did Gigaflare, it was the first time that I felt like the world could really end with such an existential threat. Then the chaos of add phase, having to dodge divebombs from all angles of the arena, trying to stay alive to take care of the minions, and then finally to reach the final phase and take Ahk Morn like a boss.

When did you join Celestia?: August 2023

What drew you to join Celestia?: When I returned to the game, I returned to a Free Company that had died. The only one left in the FC was the leader and his alts. I tried to go find some friends that I had played with previously to find that they aren’t really active anymore outside of major patches. They, though, recommended me to check out Celestia and the rest is history.

What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: I like the fact that we are a full service Free Company. We have groups that like to do almost any content in the game at most any part of the day. I love that we have a dedicated group of artisans willing to help everyone out in making everyone their gear, food, potions, and most importantly, housing items, so that they can be as unique as they can be. I also love that help is just a shout away in chat. It doesn’t matter what the content is, they just love doing all types of content.

What is your favorite weekly event to participate in with Celestia?: I am going to be biased on this one because I am the leader of it, but my favorite activity is Raid Night, where we go and fight the bosses in the current raid tier or alliance raid. Those instances have always been some of my most favorite activities to do on a daily or weekly basis.

Thank you to our monthly newsletter participant for a wonderful interview! 🙂

Call 2 Interview (For Beyond the Light)!

We currently are in need of more FC members willing to participate in our Beyond the Light interview!

If you do wish to participate, and have any questions, or if you are not certain if you have already participated, please message me directly on Discord under Scarlette Valanorr.

The link to the interview form is here, as well as hosted under our Discord server > #announcements channel!

Important: There is a new interview form open to ALL members, whether a Google Account is used or not. Pictures are optional, and those selected to be interviewed for newsletter will be followed up with for possible pictures.

Form Link: Link

Announcement of New Members!

The FC welcomed a large number of new and returning members for August. Please refer here for our newly joined members, and be sure to welcome them in game!

New Members

Jinjo Kokonos

Koharu Ajisai

Aleysia Skyfire

Etienne Shauphaux

Boiled Cabbage

Ds Smurfette

Nadia Starr

Orianna Reveck

Alexander Wyndveil

Bucatini Marinara

Velana Redleaf

Aria Calypso

Twitch Fenstock

Modara Uchiha

Koria Katmora

Returning Members

Len Lee

Eryssea Val’kyrie

Redh Leonhart

Tazanteous Masamune

The Celestia Citizen (“The Faire Fiery Moon” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! It is August 2024, and we are now halfway through summer for the year. As we see storms kicking into overdrive and getting parts of the country some much-needed saturation, we also see our members continuing their Dawntrail journey in closing out the first month of play. One big change this month is back to a routine – For us, settling back into our weekly events to give our members some social advancement and character advancement in game.

We have weekly events, FC buff schedule, and a return of a classic annual event in the form of the Moonfire Faire event.

Refer to the News below for the schedule for some of our upcoming and recurring events, and be sure to sign up if you are interested via our Discord server!

Final Fantasy XIV News

PvP Series 6 – Running from Patch 7.0 to Patch 7.1: Link

Patch 7.01 (Released 7/31): Link

Awareness of Housing Brightness Settings Issues: Link

Gong Cha x FFXIV Collaboration (Ends 8/28): Link

Patch 7.05 (Released 8/1): Link

World Visit & Data Center Travel Changes & World Classifications Changes: Link

Moonfire Faire (From 8/8 to 8/26): Link

New Optional Items & Limited-Time Sale: Link

Closure of Probationary EU Logical DC & Worlds: Link

DDoS Attacks & Network Technical Difficulties (8/9): Link

Recovery from 8/9 DDoS Attacks: Link

Free Company News and Social Events

FC Buff Rotation (Beginning 7/30) – Based on voting results, a new FC buff schedule will be in rotation for the FC. The current schedule is included here, and also included in the FC Announcements on the Discord server.

Celestia Dawntrail FATE Farm (Weekly, Beginning 8/9) – FC members will have opportunity to participate in FATE runs across all of Dawntrail’s zones to level jobs, farm Bicolor Gemstones, and complete Shared FATE progress. Requirement is a Level 90 combat job. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link

Lalaball III – The third annual Lalaball event will be held on August 17th beginning at 800 PM ET. Please note that this event requires the Malediction of Water skill on Blue Mage, which can be leveled to Lv70 to then acquire said skill. Those needing either should reach out to Simera Yeep directly to find a time to get them. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link

Saturday Map Runs – With the release of Dawntrail, this recurring event has returned as of August 3rd at 5PM ET, and is recurring every Saturday at same time. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link

Monday “Old Content & Primal LearningEvents – Every Monday, event for running old content and learning Primal fights will be held. Please refer to the Discord server link here for all of our signups, which will include these events: Link

Tuesday Raids – Tuesday raids will be held at 8PM and 10PM ET. Please refer to the Discord server link here for all of our signups, which will include these raids: Link

Sesh Event Creation Role Now Available to FC Members – Refer to the FC Announcements channel and this specific announcement made on 7/30: Link

Murder Mystery Redux – Please keep an eye out for the return of our murder mystery event via the Discord server and under our signups channel: Link

Beyond the Light Interview

What is your in-game character’s name?: Coda Bakeneko

What race are you currently in-game?: Miqo’te

What drew you into your current choice of race?: I was originally a Miqo’te because I LOVE cat girls, but was inspired to change to Xaela after I finished the MSQ in the Azim Steppe. I really enjoyed the lore behind the various Au Ra tribes. And, Sadu rocks!

When did you first start playing FFXIV?: May 2021

What drew you to pick up and play FFXIV?:

I played World of Warcraft for a good number of years. After a discussion in the guild I was in, I came to realize that WoW had begun to feel more like an obligation than something I did to enjoy. When I mentioned this, one of my guild mates (a real life friend, too) said they had been messing around with Final Fantasy XIV, and said that it REALLY seemed like something I’d like. He was right. He eventually went back to WoW while I stayed.

How far have you gotten into the MSQ (Main Story Questline) of FFXIV?: Post Shadowbringers

What was your first (job? class? role?) when you started?: Archer/Bard

What motivated you to pick that first (job? class? role?): Honestly, I thought the job outfit was cute lol. That’s a really silly way to pick a job, I know, but I was going into this completely blind and that’s what sold me.

To date, what favorite jobs/roles/classes do you have?: While I still like Bard, I’ve also grown to like Samurai and Paladin (maybe a teeny bit more). But my favorite is, without question, Scholar.

What kind of content do you enjoy?: MSQ, Crafting and/or Gathering, Duty Content, Side Quests, Glamour Collecting, Casual Content, Collectible Gathering, Other (The social aspect).

What would you say is your favorite content type from FFXIV? And why?: The MSQ, so far, is AMAZING. I have never played a game where I had become emotionally invested in the story. The characters feel like friends, and I have found that I care about their well being. I have even mourned the deaths of certain characters.

What is one thing you like about FFXIV that distinguishes them from other MMOs?:

The community. The people here are so kind, and patient, and considerate that I find am still regularly surprised by it. And Celestia is the best of the best.

If you could make at least 1 change to FFXIV based on personal preference, what would you pick and why?:

More glamour plates. I would really like to be able to use all those crafter specific outfits as glamours, but there just aren’t enough plates to make that happen.

What is your most memorable/favorite moment in FFXIV?:

As many people in the FC know, I am neuroatypical and, because of that, I am very easily stressed and don’t always have the highest of confidence. I had just picked up my first tank class ever (Paladin) and trained it up high enough to do instances in the MSQ. My first NEW content with Paladin was the Garuda trial. Now, I don’t know if you remember but the build up to Garuda was a bit intense. They had built her up to be this insurmountable foe, so I was starting to feel a bit anxious about before I even got to it. But in spite of my misgivings, I queued for it anyways. Then the music kicks in, and visuals where you’re standing in the eye of this tornado, and the panicked conversation from Alphinaud and Cid. I was starting to freak out…but it was the laugh…and those BLACK EYES, that pushed me over the edge. Through tears and hands shaking, I managed to type into the chat “I don’t think I can do this.” But instead of laughing at me, the healer (who I had never met before that instance) tells me to calm down and focus. They said “You’ve done this before. Just do it again. We’ll take care of the rest.” So, after a couple deep breaths and fighting back tears, I force myself to go. One button at a time I managed to hold Garuda’s attention long enough for us to beat her. Zero casualties. To this day, I have no idea if they actually knew what was going on or just didn’t want to queue or another tank, but it was exactly what I needed to hear to pull me back off the ledge. This was also the moment that I knew I was all in on FFXIV, and I bought all the expansions and preordered Endwalker almost as soon as I got out of there.

When did you join Celestia?: March 2024

What drew you to join Celestia?: I had to take like a year and a half off due to real life events, and when I came back, my old FC on Adamantoise was basically dead. I’m home alone for most of the evening and I get lonely with nobody to talk to, so I started shopping around for a new home. When nothing appealed to me there, I started world hopping. Fast forward a week, and I ended up on Primal doing the same thing. Then, one day, I was in Limsa Lominsa on Hyperion, examining people, and there was this guy in black armor, standing on the platform in the middle of Hawker’s Alley. I examined him, and I guess he noticed I was doing it and he waved to me. I checked out his FC and, after some investigation, I found the Celestia Discord. I joined it and, almost immediately, everyone treated me like I had been there all along. I realized pretty quickly that this was where I needed to be. I transferred and joined. As I regularly say: It was the best $18 I ever spent.

What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: Everyone here makes me feel comfortable. I feel like I belong here. That’s something I don’t experience often.

What is your favorite weekly event to participate in with Celestia?: Due to my story progression, I haven’t had an opportunity to participate in many things yet. But I really enjoy doing roulettes and dungeons with people in the FC, and will often agree to go even if I’ve already done them, just for fun. I am, however, looking forward to when I’ll be able to do maps, as it sounds like a lot of fun.

Thank you to our monthly newsletter participant for a wonderful interview! 🙂

Call 2 Interview (For Beyond the Light)!

We currently are in need of more FC members willing to participate in our Beyond the Light interview!

If you do wish to participate, and have any questions, or if you are not certain if you have already participated, please message me directly on Discord under Scarlette Valanorr.

The link to the interview form is here, as well as hosted under our Discord server > #announcements channel!

Important: There is a new interview form open to ALL members, whether a Google Account is used or not. Pictures are optional, and those selected to be interviewed for newsletter will be followed up with for possible pictures.

Form Link: Link

(Placeholder for future events)

The Celestia Citizen (“The Dawn (of a New) Trail” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! It is July 2024, and summer has arrived as of a couple of weeks ago. We’ve endured a rise in temperature as routine.

Yet amid heat waves, thunderstorms and more, and a rise in enjoying cold or iced comestibles, we also were given a new entry into the Final Fantasy XIV saga with “Dawntrail”, circa July 2nd.

With this new release, there will be a drive for people to get through the story in varying speed and efficiency to reach end-game content. However, let us not forget that with the end of the prior expansion, Endwalker, this is meant to be the start of a new story. The stakes have reset, the major threats have diminished, and we’re in the equivalent of what may be either a “filler arc” or a slow and steady first chapter to another great story in the years to come.

Therefore, for anyone who is starting out the game, I encourage you to take it at your own pace. Enjoy it, take in the casual nature of what you will experience, and admire another beautiful expansion in a new place with new characters and new sights to take in. New stakes to endeavor to, new threats to quash, and a new saga are here for us to enjoy, and it is going to be a long walk through the next decade of content as Final Fantasy XIV aims for its next anniversary milestones.

To add onto this release with a little more personalization, I have linked to an appreciation video from the FFXIV English voice acting cast on Youtube via iamalphinaud:

Final Fantasy XIV News

Final Fantasy XIV – Optional Items Update on Mogstation (Beginning July 28th): Link

Final Fantasy XIV – Free Fantasia per Graphical Update and Dawntrail Release: Refer to the location of this Free Fantasia in the Free Company News and Social Events section

Final Fantasy XIV Fan Kit (Updated for Dawntrail): Link

Final Fantasy XIV x Twitch Promotion (Stream Content for 6 Hours Max for Rewards – Ends July 29th): Link

TourTural – Tural Promotional Website (Will Update Periodically with new content for Tural): Link

PvP Series 6 – Running from Patch 7.0 to Patch 7.1: Link

Upcoming Job Adjustments (Scheduled for Patch 7.01 and 7.05): Link

Granting of Free Time per Early Access Issues: Link

Followup for Visa Debit Card Transactions Issue circa May 2024: Link

Maintenance (All Worlds, Mogstation, Companion App – July 15th 11PM to July 16th 3AM PT)

Automatic Demolition (Suspended June 29th, Recommended July 10th): Link

Free Company News and Social Events

Teleporting Cost Reduction – Temporarily paused during first month of Dawntrail release; instead it will be supplemented by other buffs intended to optimize other gains in-game (such as Battle EXP, Crafting EXP, Gathering EXP, etc.). A future announcement will be made once teleporting costs have been reduced again.

BLU Leveling & Malediction of Water Acquisition – Please join in for leveling your Blue Mage or acquiring the Malediction of Water spell or to help out your fellow FC members with either. Please note that this is also to help members be eligible to participate in the upcoming Lalaball event referenced below. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link

Lalaball III – The third annual Lalaball event will be held on August 17th beginning at 800 PM ET. Please note that this event requires the Malediction of Water skill on Blue Mage, which can be leveled to Lv70 to then acquire said skill. Those needing either can participate via the scheduled event above. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link

Saturday Map Runs – With the release of Dawntrail, this recurring event will return on August 3rd at 5PM ET. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link

Monday “Old Content & Primal LearningEvents – Every Monday, event for running old content and learning Primal fights will be held. Please refer to the Discord server link here for all of our signups, which will include these events: Link

The Arcadion Raid Events – There are two raid events for the latest FFXIV raid, The Arcadion. Both are scheduled for July 16th, with the first at 8PM ET and the second at 9PM ET. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link to 8PM ET and Link to 9PM ET

Tuesday Raids – In correlation with the Arcadion Raid events, Tuesday raids will be held at 8PM, 9PM, 10PM ET. Please refer to the Discord server link here for all of our signups, which will include these raids: Link

Location of Various Quests (Free Fantasia, Role Quest, New Job Quests, Deliveries, Stone/Sky/Sea) – Refer to the FC Announcements channel and this specific announcement made on 6/28: Link

Avoiding Spoilers through Voice Channels – Refer to the FC Announcements channel and this specific announcement made on 6/29: Link

Request for Materials/Collectibles for Artisan Savage Gear Crafting (Expected with Patch 7.05) – Refer to the FC Announcements channel and this specific announcement made on 7/1: Link

Murder Mystery Redux – Please keep an eye out for the return of our murder mystery event via the Discord server and under our signups channel: Link

Beyond the Light Interview

What is your in-game character’s name?: Mili Asaru

What race are you currently in-game?: Hyur

What drew you into your current choice of race?: I usually make two decisions when choosing my race, the first one is I try to create my avatar as closely to myself as possible, I know online your imagination can run wild, but I still like to keep my likeness as close as possible adding a few cool things here and there. My second decision is based purely on ascetics, I want my avatar to be able to use a mount without it looking like im so heavy ill kill it lol. Other than those two decision choices i generally keep the same focus across all games.

When did you first start playing FFXIV?: January 2014

What drew you to pick up and play FFXIV?:

I have always been a final fantasy fan since I picked up and for years couldn’t put down FF7 the original. After that I got into FF11 online and played that from launch till 14 was released then re-released lol. I did take a break around 2017 till a few weeks ago but I’m glad to be back where my heart is.

How far have you gotten into the MSQ (Main Story Questline) of FFXIV?: Post Shadowbringers

What was your first (job? class? role?) when you started?: BLM

What motivated you to pick that first (job? class? role?): I may try to make my character as close to my resemblance as possible but when I’m online in a fantasy world I will forever be a magician. I chose BLM because of the magic damage they can cause, being able to support my party with devastating spells to help clear groups of enemies faster (and maybe look a little badass doing it :P) is simply satisfying.

To date, what favorite jobs/roles/classes do you have?: Since I’ve returned, I have leveled reaper to 90 and machinist to 81, I have every intention of leveling my BLM also and using him as my main.

What kind of content do you enjoy?: MSQ, PvP, Crafting and/or Gathering, Duty Content, Glamour Collecting, Casual Content, Collectible Gathering

What would you say is your favorite content type from FFXIV? And why?: If I’m playing with friends, I will enjoy doing anything, when I play solo, I take turns doing some missions then fishing and adding in a little triple triad.

What is one thing you like about FFXIV that distinguishes them from other MMOs?:

Simple answer for me would be the universe the franchise sits in. Final fantasy has always had a special place in my heart for me. It was the very first game I was given as a gift after being adopted so it holds more meaning for me than any other game ever will. I do enjoy a few other online games, but none have the same meaning to me.

If you could make at least 1 change to FFXIV based on personal preference, what would you pick and why?:

Just one (lol) hmmmm, I’d have to say my biggest issue is with storage space. I feel like a game that’s been out for this long there should be something implemented that allows players to increase bag size or have other storage options that don’t require you to purchase a retainer for a monthly fee.

What is your most memorable/favorite moment in FFXIV?:

Back in 2014 I went with my old FC to the first fan fest where we all got to meet each other IRL, that was an amazing experience.

When did you join Celestia?: January 2024

What drew you to join Celestia?: A IRL friend when I returned to the game gave me the info for the FC, I believe he looked up the FC and spoke to one of the leaders before telling me about it.

What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: Everyone here has been super friendly and helpful. Honestly that’s probably an understatement, the willingness of so many people to always offer help has been amazing and I’m grateful to be a part of such an incredible group of people.

What is your favorite weekly event to participate in with Celestia?: I have not participated in any (yet) I just got a level 90 and am working on main story.

Thank you to our monthly newsletter participant for a wonderful interview! 🙂

Call 2 Interview (For Beyond the Light)!

We currently are in need of more FC members willing to participate in our Beyond the Light interview!

If you do wish to participate, and have any questions, or if you are not certain if you have already participated, please message me directly on Discord under Scarlette Valanorr.

The link to the interview form is here, as well as hosted under our Discord server > #announcements channel!

Important: There is a new interview form open to ALL members, whether a Google Account is used or not. Pictures are optional, and those selected to be interviewed for newsletter will be followed up with for possible pictures.

Form Link: Link

(Placeholder for future events)

The Celestia Citizen (“The Final Days of the Endwalker” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! It is June 2024, and we are now in the last few days of Spring. Summer is due to begin on June 20th, and then a few days later is the start of Early Access for the new expansion, Dawntrail! As we look back on the last expansion, Endwalker, which had released on December 3, 2021, we look back upon not just the end of the expansion, but the end of a story that had built up since the original Final Fantasy XIV and continued through A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers.

Starting from one of the major cities in Aldenard, working our way through to its very boundaries across ARR and Heavensward, then traveling to Othard for Stormblood, exploring Norvrandt in the First for Shadowbringers, then visiting Old Sharlayan with Thavnair and Garlemald in Endwalker, and taking the fight for existence itself to the very heavens and stars…it is a journey that millions of people around the world have experienced in the span of a full decade.

However, despite one story ending, this means another can begin. And Dawntrail is the beginning of a new story, the next major chapter in the Warrior of Light’s travels. For this story, we will explore another continent, Yok Tural, situated at the western edge of the known world.

And this exploration is due to begin very soon, so be sure to get in your pre-orders and opportunities for Early Access via the information below.

This is the last repeat of the previous information featured in the last couple of newsletters. Here is a simple recap of the content posted to that newsletter regarding Dawntrail’s release.

Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail is confirmed for July 2nd, 2024, with Early Access beginning on June 28, 2024. Pre-orders have gone live on various services, and links are below!!!

Dawntrail SE Version (PC):

Dawntrail Steam Version (PC):

Dawntrail Dawntrail PSN Version:

Dawntrail Xbox Version:

Final Fantasy XIV News

FFXIV: Dawntrail Promotional Website is Live!: Link

FFXIV Dawntrail Benchmark – Available Now!: Link

(Be sure to also share your results with the FC for fun on the FC Discord server via direct link here!: Link)

FFXIV: North American Data Center Expansion: Link

FFXIV European Data Center Expansion: Link

Yo-Kai Watch! Event Continues (Continuing until 06/25/2024): Link

Moogle Treasure Trove – The Second Hunt for Genesis (Continuing until 06/24/2024)

Dragon Quest X Collaboration Returns (Live now and until 06/20/2024)

PvP Series 5 (Continuing until 6/26/2024): Link

FFXIV Producer Live Letter LXXXII: Link (Goes to Discord Post on FC Discord server)

48 Hour Maintenance for Dawntrail Early Access (06/26/2024 – 06/28/2024)

FFXIV Dawntrail Early Access (06/28/2024 – 07/01/2024)

FFXIV Dawntrail Official Release (Begins 07/02/2024)

Free Company News and Social Events

FC Room Decorating Contest

On Saturday, June 8th, the FC had its Room Decorating Contest held.

The winners are:

1st Place: Z’attania Tsu

2nd Place: Elhana Greenwood

3rd Place: Floky Skjaldmaer

As for our participants, below are snapshots of each members’ FC room.

We start with the 1st Place winner, Z’attania Tsu, who brought a touch of heaven to her own corner of the house.

Free Company News and Social Events (Continued)

Next, we have Elhana Greenwood’s hellish abode for a lovely contrast.

Next, we have Floky Skjaldmaer’s also hellish home but set to The Good Place (TV show).

And then we have our remaining participants: Orgun Pendragon, and Sky Rendwyrm.

And Sky Rendwym. Congratulations to all of our participants for their wonderful submissions!

Beyond the Light Interview

What is your in-game character’s name?: Ojin Cleric

What race are you currently in-game?: Elezen

What drew you into your current choice of race?: I love the idea that Elezen typically have a longer life span and they look majestic!

When did you first start playing FFXIV?: September 2010

What drew you to pick up and play FFXIV?:

I played FFXI when it was released in NOV of 2024. I was hooked. As an avid lover and fan boy of all things final fantasy I was excited. I feel like left or right, republican or democrat; there was wow or ffxiv. And I was proud to be in the XIV camp. Through battling in sky, NM’s, and exploring the music and zones. This game made me. This carried over to ffxiv 1.0 where I was just relieved really that we had this succession. Oddly, I did like 1.0. Listening to Twilight over Thanalan in a game that was meant for me.

How far have you gotten into the MSQ (Main Story Questline) of FFXIV?: Through Shadowbringers. I’m taking my time bc I never want it to be over!!

What was your first (job? class? role?) when you started?: WHM. Forever and always.

What motivated you to pick that first (job? class? role?): I played Healer in XIV and I love the pressure that comes with it.

To date, what favorite jobs/roles/classes do you have?: WHM

What kind of content do you enjoy?: PvP, Savage Raids, Crafting and/or Gathering, Duty Content, Casual Content, Collectible Getting, Exploring (Other)

What would you say is your favorite content type from FFXIV? And why?: End Game Raiding and Socializing.

What is one thing you like about FFXIV that distinguishes them from other MMOs?:

The lineage of FF coupled with the community and ambiance.

If you could make at least 1 change to FFXIV based on personal preference, what would you pick and why?:

It would be crazy to implement but Random Gear stat drops or random gear perks would be cool. This could help to differentiate you as you get “God rolls” and could help with retention in the games late future.

What is your most memorable/favorite moment in FFXIV?:

I will never forget going to the very first FFXIV fan fest. Everyone was so happy. So many memories made and I was proud to goto the first one in Vegas. One standout moment was beating Odin in front of thousands of others. Everyone cheered, and it was an epic fight down to the wire!! That was such a special moment that I’ll never forget.

When did you join Celestia?: February 2024

What drew you to join Celestia?: As a legacy member, Ive always been on the Hyperion server. I have some real life friends that played on a different server. While I love FFXIVs ability to have functionality across server, I wanted to be part of a bigger community but with a familiar aspect. After conversation I was able to convince them to pay the $18 to transfer to me (Thanks guys!). Now all that was left was finding a culture and community that was relatable. Believe it or not this was harder than I thought. After using the community finder I saw some leadership names that I recognized and a discord link. After clicking, I found a solo player hanging in chat. That person was Majestic Eagle. He was so kind and answered All hundreds of my questions. After, I knew it was the right place for my smaller team. We’ve spent the last few seats feeling validated and welcomed in this great community with amazing people. Very grateful.

What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: It’s people. And in a game this big, it’s clear that the leaderships hard work is evident. Leading to great results with fellowship.

What is your favorite weekly event to participate in with Celestia?: FEEESH lol (Fishing)

Thank you to our monthly newsletter participant for a wonderful interview! 🙂

Call 2 Interview (For Beyond the Light)!

We currently are in need of more FC members willing to participate in our Beyond the Light interview!

The link to the interview form is here, as well as hosted under our Discord server > #announcements channel!

Important: There is a new interview form open to ALL members, whether a Google Account is used or not. Pictures are optional, and those selected to be interviewed for newsletter will be followed up with for possible pictures.

Form Link: Link

(Placeholder for future events)

The Celestia Citizen (“May Showers Bring May Flowers” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! It is May 2024, and we are making our way through spring slowly and surely! Depending on where you live, you may have gotten your dose of April showers and had Spring bring lush green grass, bright beautiful flowers, the song of wildlife as they come out into the world, and with nice brisk or warm temperatures as we make our way on to Summer.

For some of us, however, the weather may have other ideas. Continuing rainstorms, some more exciting than others, and change in the world giving us a new taste of what to expect from the weather.

Nevertheless, we are one third of the way to the end of the year, and we are closer now to Dawntrail’s release!!!

For those who missed the details in the prior newsletter, here is a simple recap of the content posted to that newsletter regarding Dawntrail’s release.

Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail is confirmed for July 2nd, 2024, with Early Access beginning on June 28, 2024. Pre-orders have gone live on various services, and links are below!!!

Dawntrail SE Version (PC):

Dawntrail Steam Version (PC):

Dawntrail Dawntrail PSN Version:

Dawntrail Xbox Version:

Final Fantasy XIV News

FFXIV Dawntrail Benchmark – Available Now!: Link

(Be sure to also share your results with the FC for fun on the FC Discord server via direct link here!: Link)

Yo-Kai Watch! Event Continues (04/24/2024 to 06/25/2024): Link

Moogle Treasure Trove – The Second Hunt for Genesis (05/14/2024 – 06/24/2024)

Make It Rain! Campaign (05/15/2024 – 05/31/2024)

Letter from the Producer (Live Letter LXXXI) – Scheduled for 05/16/2024

Dragon Quest X Collaboration Returns (06/05/2024 – 06/20/2024)

Letter from the Producer (Live Letter LXXXII) – Scheduled for 06/14/2024

48 Hour Maintenance for Dawntrail Early Access (06/26/2024 – 06/28/2024)

FFXIV Dawntrail Early Access (06/28/2024 – 07/01/2024)

FFXIV Dawntrail Official Release (Begins 07/02/2024)

Free Company News and Social Events

Note: With the FC Murder Mystery event having unfolded on Saturday, May 4th, I am going to give it its own column to detail some of the major beats that unfolded (refer to the right column of the newsletter for details!!!).

FC Open Meeting (For Letter from the Producer, Live Letter LXXXI)

Join us for the next scheduled FC open meeting to discuss “The Big One (LL)” on 05/18/2024!

FC Open Meeting (For Letter from the Producer, Live Letter LXXXII)

The last Live Letter before Dawntrail’s launch will have our FC open meeting scheduled on 06/16/2024!

FC Housing Spotlight Extravaganza!

On Sunday, May 26th, a tour of many of our FC members’ estates will be conducted to take in the elaborate and ornate designs and decor that our members have engaged themselves in! Signup is on the Discord here.

FC Room Decoration Event!

Separate from the FC Housing Spotlight Extravaganza, on Friday, June 7th, we will engage in a contest to rate the best FC room as decorated and designed! Signup is on the Discord here. Please make sure you submit your entry before then!

Murder Mystery Redux

The next iteration of the Murder Mystery is scheduled to return this coming November! Be sure to look for a signup on the Discord as we get closer to November! Announcement in Discord has been made, and further announcement will follow later in the year! The Newsletter will also remind readers of it as it comes up!

Free Company News and Social Events (Continued)

FC Murder Mystery Event

On Saturday, May 4th, we had our FC Murder Mystery event unfold! Refer to the Discord link here OR read the summation of this elaborate event below, including screenshots of the event as it unfolded!

At a mere house, no larger than the grand estates that countless Warriors of Light can afford in such a thriving economy, within the Empyreum ward, a mystery of murder dares to unfold.

For decades, Ms Harliqyn Mave has built a business empire in Empyreum, selling Goth-themed clothing to dilettante young Ishgardians with too much money and too little money-sense. Now in her twilight years, she summons her three children home to her estate to discuss their inheritance.

Yet as the final moments of the discussions come upon those gathered, so too does the final moments of Harliqyn’s life come upon her.

Among the morbid presence of the freshly dead deliverer of dreary dark fashion stands many suspects.

The eldest daughter, Simera.

The middle daughter, Z’attania.

The youngest daughter, Karah.

The butler towards Ms Harliqyn, Elhana.

And the maid towards Ms Harliqyn, Ivy.

As various purveyors of private preponderance of detecting and detail come to the murder scene and question those involved, it is apparent that it is not such an open-and-shut case.

Means, motive, and opportunity are sifted through by our participants, and the answers are questioned, just as the questions are answered.

The family is questioned, the staff sweated, and considerations are made for what is obvious, or what is not-so-obvious, for what happened.

Soon, things began to come together and it was determined that there was one who was particularly at fault.

Motive was established when Karah, one of Ms Harliqyn’s daughters, confessed to a love for the maid, Ivy. However, this relationship was not approved of by Ms Harliqyn.

Means was established when a series of flowers, resembling those that used to be picked by Karah with her late mother, were freshly picked and set at the table for Ms Harliqyn to admire. It was determined that Harli was deathly allergic to these flowers, and Karah set them on purpose to strike the killing blow while leaving her hands clean.

And the opportunity came that evening when the whole family was gathered, allowing for exchanges of suspicion yet nothing definitive without careful review.

With the conclusion of this event, we honor our winning collaborators:

1st Place : Sky Rendwyrm / Coconu Coco / Tall Drink O’Water

2nd Place : Caedum Imperiorum / Anchor Rei

3rd Place : Junno Highwind / Lyone Delsol / Kitykat Meow

In closing, please give thanks to our FC members acting their roles for this Murder Mystery event, and to all of our participants for taking part!

Beyond the Light Interview

What is your in-game character’s name?: Lyone Delsol

What race are you currently in-game?: Au Ra

What drew you into your current choice of race?: My wife (Leilia Fae) switch to an Au’Ra and after some discussion with a friend during Shadowbringers mentioned he saw me more as an Au’Ra than an Elezen. At the time I had been Elezen the whole time and Elvaan back in FFXI. After thinking about it for a while I decided I liked the aesthetics of Au’Ra, they were a little more muscular and it’s dragon like features appealed to me.

When did you first start playing FFXIV?: November 2013

What drew you to pick up and play FFXIV?:

I had played FFXI since it came out and have always been a FF fanboy, with FFIII(SNES)/FFVI being my first and favorite intro into the series. I had just gotten back from a deployment with 0 current subscriptions to any MMOs so it seems like the logical choice for me.

How far have you gotten into the MSQ (Main Story Questline) of FFXIV?: I am currently up to date and waiting for patches/expansions.

What was your first (job? class? role?) when you started?: I originally started out with Lancer/Dragoon but started leveling Gladiator/Paladin virtually at the same time.

What motivated you to pick that first (job? class? role?): Dragoon and Paladin were my favorite/main jobs in FFXI. I also really like their aesthetics.

To date, what favorite jobs/roles/classes do you have?: Pld/tank, Drg/melee dps, Mch/rng dps, Rdm/magic dps, and Whm/healer … I guess … I am a pretty terrible healer ^^;

What kind of content do you enjoy?: MSQ, PvP, Duty Content, Side Quests, Glamour Collecting, Casual Content, Collectible getting, Other (Housing, Island Content, Orchestrion Scroll Gathering, Deep Dungeons)

What would you say is your favorite content type from FFXIV? And why?: MSQ is what I think this game does best but I enjoy Frontlines and Deep Dungeons (Solo and Party)

What is one thing you like about FFXIV that distinguishes them from other MMOs?:

I think Deep Dungeons is one thing no other MMO I have played has anything comparable to.

If you could make at least 1 change to FFXIV based on personal preference, what would you pick and why?:

I think something that would be interesting is if FC’s could own or have entire instanced housing wards, this is a wild idea and would be a crazy endeavor but to have a FC house surrounded by FC member’s houses I think would be a cool idea.

What is your most memorable/favorite moment in FFXIV?:

In game story wise, I enjoyed the sad story (dark story) of Edda and how they tied it together with multiple dungeons (Tam-Tara Deepcroft) and the first deep dungeon (Palace of the Dead). Personal moment is when Leilia Fae (wife), Sage Lion (son), and I cleared Palace of the Dead for the first time.

When did you join Celestia?: December 2023

What drew you to join Celestia?: I was looking for a more active and social environment so that I could enjoy my time in game more.

What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: Well, I definitely appreciate how organized and structured the FC is. There is a place for everyone in the FC regardless of what part of the game you enjoy most.

What is your favorite weekly event to participate in with Celestia?: I have yet to have the opportunity to participate in one yet, but I look forward to the first time I get to.

Thank you to our monthly newsletter participant for a wonderful interview! 🙂

Call 2 Interview (For Beyond the Light)!

We currently are in need of more FC members willing to participate in our Beyond the Light interview!

The link to the interview form is here, as well as hosted under our Discord server > #announcements channel!

Important: There is a new interview form open to ALL members, whether a Google Account is used or not. Pictures are optional, and those selected to be interviewed for newsletter will be followed up with for possible pictures.

Form Link: Link

Z’attania Tsu’s “House Tours” – Temporary Pause

Z’attania Tsu will be temporarily pausing her House Tours coverage! For those who have enjoyed reading those sections, I do apologize for the absence of it. However, please look forward to the return of it soon! And thank you kindly for your patience and understanding!

The Celestia Citizen (“Live Letter LXXX” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! It is April 2024, and we are now in spring! Sunshine, storm clouds, sprouting of flowers and trees, and a surprise drop: Dawntrail preorders are finally live, and we are going to have our 80th Live Letter!!!

Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail is confirmed for July 2nd, 2024, with Early Access beginning on June 28, 2024. Pre-orders have gone live on various services, and links are below!!!

Dawntrail SE Version (PC):

Dawntrail Steam Version (PC):

Dawntrail Dawntrail PSN Version:

Dawntrail Xbox Version:

Final Fantasy XIV News

FFXIV x FFXVI Crossover Event (4/2/2024 to 5/8/2024): Link

Final Fantasy XIV Online – Starter Edition Available on Xbox Game Pass (3/21/2024 to 4/19/2024): Link

Letter From the Producer (Live Letter LXXX, 4/12/2024): Link

Capture of Live Letter LXXX Details – Linked on FC Discord Server here: Link

FFXIV Dawntrail Benchmark – Available Now!: Link

(Be sure to also share your results with the FC for fun on the FC Discord server via direct link here!: Link)

Yo-Kai Watch! Event Returns (04/24/2024 to 06/25/2024): Link

Moogle Treasure Trove – The Second Hunt for Genesis (05/14/2024 – 06/24/2024)

Make It Rain! Campaign (05/15/2024 – 05/31/2024)

Letter from the Producer (Live Letter LXXXI) – Scheduled for 05/16/2024

Dragon Quest X Collaboration Returns (06/05/2024 – 06/20/2024)

Letter from the Producer (Live Letter LXXXII) – Scheduled for 06/14/2024

48 Hour Maintenance for Dawntrail Early Access (06/26/2024 – 06/28/2024)

FFXIV Dawntrail Early Access (06/28/2024 – 07/01/2024)

FFXIV Dawntrail Official Release (Begins 07/02/2024)

Free Company News and Social Events

Awareness of Scams on Discord

On Discord, an awareness was shared for scams circulating on the service. Refer to the Announcement made on the Discord FC Server for details, linked here: Link

FC Murder Mystery Event

Join the FC members on Saturday, May 4th to enjoy our annual Murder Mystery event! Join via our Murder Mystery channel & signup linked here (Discord FC Server): Link

FC Open Meeting (For Letter from the Producer, Live Letter LXXXI)

Join us for the next scheduled FC open meeting to discuss “The Big One (LL)” on 05/18/2024!

FC Open Meeting (For Letter from the Producer, Live Letter LXXXII)

The last Live Letter before Dawntrail’s launch will have our FC open meeting scheduled on 06/16/2024!

Beyond the Light Interview

What is your in-game character’s name?: Nox Brightflame

What race are you currently in-game?: Elezen

What drew you into your current choice of race?: I am exceedingly tall in real life and humans and the other races at the time did not have anything to represent very tall at the time of character creation , I like to in RPGs create characters that somewhat mirror me in real life.

When did you first start playing FFXIV?: April 2010

What drew you to pick up and play FFXIV?:

I saw it in the 20$ bin in a Walmart and thought maybe it’s as good as XI at the time

How far have you gotten into the MSQ (Main Story Questline) of FFXIV?: I’m caught up

What was your first (job? class? role?) when you started?: Lancer/Dragoon

What motivated you to pick that first (job? class? role?): When I first started playing my friends chose classes to complement our static startup group.

To date, what favorite jobs/roles/classes do you have?: Black Mage, Samurai, Gunbreaker and Red Mage

What kind of content do you enjoy?: MSQ, Crafting and/or Gathering, Duty Content, Side Quests, Glamour Collecting, Collectible Gathering

What would you say is your favorite content type from FFXIV? And why?: Crafting, I treat crafting like fishing in real life it’s relaxing helps me unwind on days that are bad or just not great personally and helps me feel like what I’m crafting or gathering might help another person or free company member who needs an item.

What is one thing you like about FFXIV that distinguishes them from other MMOs?:

The storytelling in the main story

If you could make at least 1 change to FFXIV based on personal preference, what would you pick and why?:

Probably re-add skip cutscenes in MSQ roulette

What is your most memorable/favorite moment in FFXIV?:

I’d say this would be back when Savage Coil first came out and our group managed to beat the Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 2 and managed to get gear for everyone, our group at the time managed get everything and everyone went out of their way to help make everyone’s experience in the raid enjoyable, which was a rare experience for me given prior MMOs I’ve played.

When did you join Celestia?: June 2016

What drew you to join Celestia?: It was actually an individual from the free company recruiting, I had recently left my old free company and the individual was quite welcoming.

What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: The sense of community and involvement

What is your favorite weekly event to participate in with Celestia?: 24-Man Raiding and FC Festival Events

Thank you to our monthly newsletter participant for a wonderful interview! 🙂

Call 2 Interview (For Beyond the Light)!

We currently are in need of more FC members willing to participate in our Beyond the Light interview!

The link to the interview form is here, as well as hosted under our Discord server > #announcements channel!

Important: There is a new interview form open to ALL members, whether a Google Account is used or not. Pictures are optional, and those selected to be interviewed for newsletter will be followed up with for possible pictures.

Form Link: Link

Z’attania Tsu’s “House Tours” – Temporary Pause

Z’attania Tsu will be temporarily pausing her House Tours coverage! For those who have enjoyed reading those sections, I do apologize for the absence of it. However, please look forward to the return of it soon! And thank you kindly for your patience and understanding!