The Celestia Citizen (“The Dawn (of a New) Trail” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! It is July 2024, and summer has arrived as of a couple of weeks ago. We’ve endured a rise in temperature as routine.
Yet amid heat waves, thunderstorms and more, and a rise in enjoying cold or iced comestibles, we also were given a new entry into the Final Fantasy XIV saga with “Dawntrail”, circa July 2nd.

With this new release, there will be a drive for people to get through the story in varying speed and efficiency to reach end-game content. However, let us not forget that with the end of the prior expansion, Endwalker, this is meant to be the start of a new story. The stakes have reset, the major threats have diminished, and we’re in the equivalent of what may be either a “filler arc” or a slow and steady first chapter to another great story in the years to come.
Therefore, for anyone who is starting out the game, I encourage you to take it at your own pace. Enjoy it, take in the casual nature of what you will experience, and admire another beautiful expansion in a new place with new characters and new sights to take in. New stakes to endeavor to, new threats to quash, and a new saga are here for us to enjoy, and it is going to be a long walk through the next decade of content as Final Fantasy XIV aims for its next anniversary milestones.
To add onto this release with a little more personalization, I have linked to an appreciation video from the FFXIV English voice acting cast on Youtube via iamalphinaud:
Final Fantasy XIV News
Final Fantasy XIV – Optional Items Update on Mogstation (Beginning July 28th): Link
Final Fantasy XIV – Free Fantasia per Graphical Update and Dawntrail Release: Refer to the location of this Free Fantasia in the Free Company News and Social Events section
Final Fantasy XIV Fan Kit (Updated for Dawntrail): Link
Final Fantasy XIV x Twitch Promotion (Stream Content for 6 Hours Max for Rewards – Ends July 29th): Link
TourTural – Tural Promotional Website (Will Update Periodically with new content for Tural): Link
PvP Series 6 – Running from Patch 7.0 to Patch 7.1: Link
Upcoming Job Adjustments (Scheduled for Patch 7.01 and 7.05): Link
Granting of Free Time per Early Access Issues: Link
Followup for Visa Debit Card Transactions Issue circa May 2024: Link
Maintenance (All Worlds, Mogstation, Companion App – July 15th 11PM to July 16th 3AM PT)
Automatic Demolition (Suspended June 29th, Recommended July 10th): Link
Free Company News and Social Events
Teleporting Cost Reduction – Temporarily paused during first month of Dawntrail release; instead it will be supplemented by other buffs intended to optimize other gains in-game (such as Battle EXP, Crafting EXP, Gathering EXP, etc.). A future announcement will be made once teleporting costs have been reduced again.
BLU Leveling & Malediction of Water Acquisition – Please join in for leveling your Blue Mage or acquiring the Malediction of Water spell or to help out your fellow FC members with either. Please note that this is also to help members be eligible to participate in the upcoming Lalaball event referenced below. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link
Lalaball III – The third annual Lalaball event will be held on August 17th beginning at 800 PM ET. Please note that this event requires the Malediction of Water skill on Blue Mage, which can be leveled to Lv70 to then acquire said skill. Those needing either can participate via the scheduled event above. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link
Saturday Map Runs – With the release of Dawntrail, this recurring event will return on August 3rd at 5PM ET. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link
Monday “Old Content & Primal Learning” Events – Every Monday, event for running old content and learning Primal fights will be held. Please refer to the Discord server link here for all of our signups, which will include these events: Link
The Arcadion Raid Events – There are two raid events for the latest FFXIV raid, The Arcadion. Both are scheduled for July 16th, with the first at 8PM ET and the second at 9PM ET. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link to 8PM ET and Link to 9PM ET
Tuesday Raids – In correlation with the Arcadion Raid events, Tuesday raids will be held at 8PM, 9PM, 10PM ET. Please refer to the Discord server link here for all of our signups, which will include these raids: Link
Location of Various Quests (Free Fantasia, Role Quest, New Job Quests, Deliveries, Stone/Sky/Sea) – Refer to the FC Announcements channel and this specific announcement made on 6/28: Link
Avoiding Spoilers through Voice Channels – Refer to the FC Announcements channel and this specific announcement made on 6/29: Link
Request for Materials/Collectibles for Artisan Savage Gear Crafting (Expected with Patch 7.05) – Refer to the FC Announcements channel and this specific announcement made on 7/1: Link
Murder Mystery Redux – Please keep an eye out for the return of our murder mystery event via the Discord server and under our signups channel: Link
Beyond the Light Interview
What is your in-game character’s name?: Mili Asaru
What race are you currently in-game?: Hyur
What drew you into your current choice of race?: I usually make two decisions when choosing my race, the first one is I try to create my avatar as closely to myself as possible, I know online your imagination can run wild, but I still like to keep my likeness as close as possible adding a few cool things here and there. My second decision is based purely on ascetics, I want my avatar to be able to use a mount without it looking like im so heavy ill kill it lol. Other than those two decision choices i generally keep the same focus across all games.
When did you first start playing FFXIV?: January 2014
What drew you to pick up and play FFXIV?:
I have always been a final fantasy fan since I picked up and for years couldn’t put down FF7 the original. After that I got into FF11 online and played that from launch till 14 was released then re-released lol. I did take a break around 2017 till a few weeks ago but I’m glad to be back where my heart is.
How far have you gotten into the MSQ (Main Story Questline) of FFXIV?: Post Shadowbringers
What was your first (job? class? role?) when you started?: BLM
What motivated you to pick that first (job? class? role?): I may try to make my character as close to my resemblance as possible but when I’m online in a fantasy world I will forever be a magician. I chose BLM because of the magic damage they can cause, being able to support my party with devastating spells to help clear groups of enemies faster (and maybe look a little badass doing it :P) is simply satisfying.
To date, what favorite jobs/roles/classes do you have?: Since I’ve returned, I have leveled reaper to 90 and machinist to 81, I have every intention of leveling my BLM also and using him as my main.
What kind of content do you enjoy?: MSQ, PvP, Crafting and/or Gathering, Duty Content, Glamour Collecting, Casual Content, Collectible Gathering
What would you say is your favorite content type from FFXIV? And why?: If I’m playing with friends, I will enjoy doing anything, when I play solo, I take turns doing some missions then fishing and adding in a little triple triad.
What is one thing you like about FFXIV that distinguishes them from other MMOs?:
Simple answer for me would be the universe the franchise sits in. Final fantasy has always had a special place in my heart for me. It was the very first game I was given as a gift after being adopted so it holds more meaning for me than any other game ever will. I do enjoy a few other online games, but none have the same meaning to me.
If you could make at least 1 change to FFXIV based on personal preference, what would you pick and why?:
Just one (lol) hmmmm, I’d have to say my biggest issue is with storage space. I feel like a game that’s been out for this long there should be something implemented that allows players to increase bag size or have other storage options that don’t require you to purchase a retainer for a monthly fee.
What is your most memorable/favorite moment in FFXIV?:
Back in 2014 I went with my old FC to the first fan fest where we all got to meet each other IRL, that was an amazing experience.
When did you join Celestia?: January 2024
What drew you to join Celestia?: A IRL friend when I returned to the game gave me the info for the FC, I believe he looked up the FC and spoke to one of the leaders before telling me about it.
What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: Everyone here has been super friendly and helpful. Honestly that’s probably an understatement, the willingness of so many people to always offer help has been amazing and I’m grateful to be a part of such an incredible group of people.
What is your favorite weekly event to participate in with Celestia?: I have not participated in any (yet) I just got a level 90 and am working on main story.
Thank you to our monthly newsletter participant for a wonderful interview! 🙂
Call 2 Interview (For Beyond the Light)!
We currently are in need of more FC members willing to participate in our Beyond the Light interview!
If you do wish to participate, and have any questions, or if you are not certain if you have already participated, please message me directly on Discord under Scarlette Valanorr.
The link to the interview form is here, as well as hosted under our Discord server > #announcements channel!
Important: There is a new interview form open to ALL members, whether a Google Account is used or not. Pictures are optional, and those selected to be interviewed for newsletter will be followed up with for possible pictures.
Form Link: Link
(Placeholder for future events)
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