The Celestia Citizen (“The Faire Fiery Moon” Edition)
Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! It is August 2024, and we are now halfway through summer for the year. As we see storms kicking into overdrive and getting parts of the country some much-needed saturation, we also see our members continuing their Dawntrail journey in closing out the first month of play. One big change this month is back to a routine – For us, settling back into our weekly events to give our members some social advancement and character advancement in game.
We have weekly events, FC buff schedule, and a return of a classic annual event in the form of the Moonfire Faire event.

Refer to the News below for the schedule for some of our upcoming and recurring events, and be sure to sign up if you are interested via our Discord server!
Final Fantasy XIV News
PvP Series 6 – Running from Patch 7.0 to Patch 7.1: Link
Patch 7.01 (Released 7/31): Link
Awareness of Housing Brightness Settings Issues: Link
Gong Cha x FFXIV Collaboration (Ends 8/28): Link
Patch 7.05 (Released 8/1): Link
World Visit & Data Center Travel Changes & World Classifications Changes: Link
Moonfire Faire (From 8/8 to 8/26): Link
New Optional Items & Limited-Time Sale: Link
Closure of Probationary EU Logical DC & Worlds: Link
DDoS Attacks & Network Technical Difficulties (8/9): Link
Recovery from 8/9 DDoS Attacks: Link
Free Company News and Social Events
FC Buff Rotation (Beginning 7/30) – Based on voting results, a new FC buff schedule will be in rotation for the FC. The current schedule is included here, and also included in the FC Announcements on the Discord server.

Celestia Dawntrail FATE Farm (Weekly, Beginning 8/9) – FC members will have opportunity to participate in FATE runs across all of Dawntrail’s zones to level jobs, farm Bicolor Gemstones, and complete Shared FATE progress. Requirement is a Level 90 combat job. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link
Lalaball III – The third annual Lalaball event will be held on August 17th beginning at 800 PM ET. Please note that this event requires the Malediction of Water skill on Blue Mage, which can be leveled to Lv70 to then acquire said skill. Those needing either should reach out to Simera Yeep directly to find a time to get them. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link
Saturday Map Runs – With the release of Dawntrail, this recurring event has returned as of August 3rd at 5PM ET, and is recurring every Saturday at same time. Refer here for the link to the Discord server and the direct invitation through Sesh: Link
Monday “Old Content & Primal Learning” Events – Every Monday, event for running old content and learning Primal fights will be held. Please refer to the Discord server link here for all of our signups, which will include these events: Link
Tuesday Raids – Tuesday raids will be held at 8PM and 10PM ET. Please refer to the Discord server link here for all of our signups, which will include these raids: Link
Sesh Event Creation Role Now Available to FC Members – Refer to the FC Announcements channel and this specific announcement made on 7/30: Link
Murder Mystery Redux – Please keep an eye out for the return of our murder mystery event via the Discord server and under our signups channel: Link
Beyond the Light Interview
What is your in-game character’s name?: Coda Bakeneko
What race are you currently in-game?: Miqo’te
What drew you into your current choice of race?: I was originally a Miqo’te because I LOVE cat girls, but was inspired to change to Xaela after I finished the MSQ in the Azim Steppe. I really enjoyed the lore behind the various Au Ra tribes. And, Sadu rocks!
When did you first start playing FFXIV?: May 2021
What drew you to pick up and play FFXIV?:
I played World of Warcraft for a good number of years. After a discussion in the guild I was in, I came to realize that WoW had begun to feel more like an obligation than something I did to enjoy. When I mentioned this, one of my guild mates (a real life friend, too) said they had been messing around with Final Fantasy XIV, and said that it REALLY seemed like something I’d like. He was right. He eventually went back to WoW while I stayed.

How far have you gotten into the MSQ (Main Story Questline) of FFXIV?: Post Shadowbringers
What was your first (job? class? role?) when you started?: Archer/Bard
What motivated you to pick that first (job? class? role?): Honestly, I thought the job outfit was cute lol. That’s a really silly way to pick a job, I know, but I was going into this completely blind and that’s what sold me.
To date, what favorite jobs/roles/classes do you have?: While I still like Bard, I’ve also grown to like Samurai and Paladin (maybe a teeny bit more). But my favorite is, without question, Scholar.
What kind of content do you enjoy?: MSQ, Crafting and/or Gathering, Duty Content, Side Quests, Glamour Collecting, Casual Content, Collectible Gathering, Other (The social aspect).
What would you say is your favorite content type from FFXIV? And why?: The MSQ, so far, is AMAZING. I have never played a game where I had become emotionally invested in the story. The characters feel like friends, and I have found that I care about their well being. I have even mourned the deaths of certain characters.

What is one thing you like about FFXIV that distinguishes them from other MMOs?:
The community. The people here are so kind, and patient, and considerate that I find am still regularly surprised by it. And Celestia is the best of the best.
If you could make at least 1 change to FFXIV based on personal preference, what would you pick and why?:
More glamour plates. I would really like to be able to use all those crafter specific outfits as glamours, but there just aren’t enough plates to make that happen.
What is your most memorable/favorite moment in FFXIV?:
As many people in the FC know, I am neuroatypical and, because of that, I am very easily stressed and don’t always have the highest of confidence. I had just picked up my first tank class ever (Paladin) and trained it up high enough to do instances in the MSQ. My first NEW content with Paladin was the Garuda trial. Now, I don’t know if you remember but the build up to Garuda was a bit intense. They had built her up to be this insurmountable foe, so I was starting to feel a bit anxious about before I even got to it. But in spite of my misgivings, I queued for it anyways. Then the music kicks in, and visuals where you’re standing in the eye of this tornado, and the panicked conversation from Alphinaud and Cid. I was starting to freak out…but it was the laugh…and those BLACK EYES, that pushed me over the edge. Through tears and hands shaking, I managed to type into the chat “I don’t think I can do this.” But instead of laughing at me, the healer (who I had never met before that instance) tells me to calm down and focus. They said “You’ve done this before. Just do it again. We’ll take care of the rest.” So, after a couple deep breaths and fighting back tears, I force myself to go. One button at a time I managed to hold Garuda’s attention long enough for us to beat her. Zero casualties. To this day, I have no idea if they actually knew what was going on or just didn’t want to queue or another tank, but it was exactly what I needed to hear to pull me back off the ledge. This was also the moment that I knew I was all in on FFXIV, and I bought all the expansions and preordered Endwalker almost as soon as I got out of there.

When did you join Celestia?: March 2024
What drew you to join Celestia?: I had to take like a year and a half off due to real life events, and when I came back, my old FC on Adamantoise was basically dead. I’m home alone for most of the evening and I get lonely with nobody to talk to, so I started shopping around for a new home. When nothing appealed to me there, I started world hopping. Fast forward a week, and I ended up on Primal doing the same thing. Then, one day, I was in Limsa Lominsa on Hyperion, examining people, and there was this guy in black armor, standing on the platform in the middle of Hawker’s Alley. I examined him, and I guess he noticed I was doing it and he waved to me. I checked out his FC and, after some investigation, I found the Celestia Discord. I joined it and, almost immediately, everyone treated me like I had been there all along. I realized pretty quickly that this was where I needed to be. I transferred and joined. As I regularly say: It was the best $18 I ever spent.
What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: Everyone here makes me feel comfortable. I feel like I belong here. That’s something I don’t experience often.
What is your favorite weekly event to participate in with Celestia?: Due to my story progression, I haven’t had an opportunity to participate in many things yet. But I really enjoy doing roulettes and dungeons with people in the FC, and will often agree to go even if I’ve already done them, just for fun. I am, however, looking forward to when I’ll be able to do maps, as it sounds like a lot of fun.
Thank you to our monthly newsletter participant for a wonderful interview! 🙂
Call 2 Interview (For Beyond the Light)!
We currently are in need of more FC members willing to participate in our Beyond the Light interview!
If you do wish to participate, and have any questions, or if you are not certain if you have already participated, please message me directly on Discord under Scarlette Valanorr.
The link to the interview form is here, as well as hosted under our Discord server > #announcements channel!
Important: There is a new interview form open to ALL members, whether a Google Account is used or not. Pictures are optional, and those selected to be interviewed for newsletter will be followed up with for possible pictures.
Form Link: Link
(Placeholder for future events)
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