The Celestia Citizen (“The Roaring 20s, Part 4” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! We are now leaving 2023 behind and have entered 2024, the 4th year of the 2020s, or the new “Roaring 20s”.

As we go into 2024 with a new year and a new slate of resolutions to aspire to, we find ourselves in a year where Final Fantasy as a whole is going to experience some movement.
Firstly, Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth has a release date of February 29th, 2024! The next chapter in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake series, which began in April 2020 on PS4, June 2021 on PS5, and PC on December 2021, will be launching for both the Playstation 5 and for PC. Unfortunately, those who got it on PS4 will not have the next chapter made available, so getting it for Playstation 5 or PC will be required.

Secondly, Final Fantasy XVI will have an expansion launching in Spring 2024 for the Playstation 5 to complete the Expansion Pass DLC launch from December 8, 2023. The PC version is TBA at this time, but for anyone who wants a little more of the game to enjoy, look toward the Expansion Pass.

And lastly, Final Fantasy XIV news. A launch window of Summer 2024 has been announced for the newest expansion of our favorite MMORPG. Additional details were also presented with the most recent Tokyo Fan Fest, as covered by our King’s Hand, Harliqyn Mave and our Officer, Karah Thrace!! Look to the Final Fantasy XIV news section for details.

Final Fantasy XIV News
Encyclopedia Eorzea – Volume III now available as of 12/19/2023! Link
10th Anniversary Mosaic Art – The Interwoven Memories of Light is now available for preview as of 12/21/2023! Link
FFXIV Endwalker Original Soundtrack is now available on streaming services as of 12/22/2023! Link
New Year’s Greetings from Naoki “Yoshi-P” Yoshida! Link
FFXIV Sale – Complete Edition & Endwalker (Standard AND Collector’s) are 50% off until 01/17/2024 for Windows, Mac OS, Playstation 4 and Playstation 5! Link
New Optional Items & Limited-Time Fan Fest Sale on Mog Station from 1/5/2024 to 2/6/2024! Link
Update to Patch 6.5 “Growing Light” Special Site for Upcoming Content! Link
FFXIV Endwalker – The Art of Resurrection -Beyond the Veil- available for Pre-Order and release date of 06/25/2024! Link
Meister Quality Hydaelyn & Zodiark Figure available for Pre-Order and release date of 03/20/2024! Link
FFXIV Dawntrail “Patch 7.0” Details for Fan Fest is available via the Discord server and the #FFXIV-Updates channel (Posted 01/07/2024)! Thank you to Harliqyn Mave and Karah Thrace for capturing screenshots and details from the event for this channel!
Free Company News and Social Events
Holiday Party & Darts Event occurred on Saturday, 12/23/2023.
Winners of Darts Event are:
1st Place – Tall-drink O’water – Distance of 11.96
2nd Place – Z’attania Tsu – Distance of 19.83
3rd Place – Sky Rendwyrm – Distance of 22.83
(Measurements are in the in-game increment of Yalm)
For the Holiday Party, here is a small montage of our Free Company’s members, including a special holiday glamour submission from Taryn Stormcrown and Valsira Mamphis!

Beyond the Light Interview
What is your in-game character’s name?: Karyna Hokkiir
What race are you currently in-game?: Lalafell

What drew you into your current choice of race?: I want to be a small maniac potato running around. Plus, I can get people wo give me stuff during Halloween by dressing up as a small ghost. People tend to find me cute than being a Roegadyn
When did you first start playing FFXIV?: January 2021
What drew you to pick up and play FFXIV?: I was bored playing other games at the time.
How far have you gotten into the MSQ (Main Story Questline) of FFXIV?: Endwalker finished (Haven’t done post MSQ)
What was your first (job? class? role?) when you started?: WAR (Warrior)
What motivated you to pick that first (job? class? role?): I started ffxiv as femroe so I thought it was funny to play big buff mommy running around with big axe.

To date, what favorite jobs/roles/classes do you have?: AST (Astrologian)
What kind of content do you enjoy?: Savage Raids, Crafting and/or Gathering, Duty Content, Glamour Collecting, Collectible Getting
What would you say is your favorite content type from FFXIV? And why?: I love crafting and gathering. It is very relaxing to do. You can be at your own pace when it comes to crafting/gathering. You don’t have to compete with anyone but yourself. The crafting community is also really helpful. Unlike raiding, I don’t have to gather a group to do raids and deal with people.

What is one thing you like about FFXIV that distinguishes them from other MMOs?: The community is not as toxic as other MMO that I’ve played. I can run around doing nothing and still enjoy the game. The vibe is very chill and calm.
If you could make at least 1 change to FFXIV based on personal preference, what would you pick and why?: To be able to loop in-game macro, it will be so much easier for me to do be a Limsa enjoyer and can loop my emote while AFK.
What is your most memorable/favorite moment in FFXIV?: Every time we do the contents with sprout player. It is always funny to see them mess up the mechanics from time to time.
When did you join Celestia?: May 2023
What drew you to join Celestia?: My friends are in Celestia.
What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: I’m still learning about that.
What is your favorite weekly event to participate in with Celestia?: I’ve never participated any. I just joined the fc.
Thank you to our monthly newsletter participant for a wonderful interview! 🙂
Call 2 Interview (For Beyond the Light)!
We currently are in need of more FC members willing to participate in our Beyond the Light interview!
The link to the interview form is here, as well as hosted under our Discord server > #announcements channel!
Important: There is a new interview form open to ALL members, whether a Google Account is used or not. Pictures are optional, and those selected to be interviewed for newsletter will be followed up with for possible pictures.
Form Link: Link
Z’attania Tsu’s “House Tours” – Temporary Pause
Due to the holiday season, Z’attania Tsu will be temporarily pausing her House Tours coverage! For those who have enjoyed reading those sections, I do apologize for the absence of it. However, please look forward to the return of it next year. And thank you kindly for your patience and understanding!
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