Entries by Scarlette Valanorr

The Celestia Citizen (“The Thanksgiving Movie” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! Our shorter format seemed to do well last month, so here we continue! Please read regarding upcoming and important details for the Free Company, as well as upcoming holiday events! Final Fantasy XIV News Saturday, October 21st – FFXIV Dawntrail Details, As […]

The Celestia Citizen (“Pumpkin Spice” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! As you can see, we are playing around with a new format for the newsletter. With the new column-style layout, we hope this will save some space & present the newsletter in a more compressed format! Final Fantasy XIV News Sunday, October […]

The Celestia Citizen (“Party in E-or-ze-a Edition”)

Hello, fellow Celestians! Welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen newsletter! This month’s newsletter will focus on the usual round of content that will encompass the last month, as well as what is to come in the upcoming month. Summer began officially on June 21st, and has already brought everything with it one expects: […]

The Celestia Citizen (“Summer Costume Edition”)

Hello, fellow Celestians! Welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen newsletter! This month’s newsletter will focus on the usual round of content that will encompass the last month, as well as what is to come in the upcoming month. For this month’s theme, to commemorate the coming of the summer season, I wanted to […]

The Celestia Citizen (“April Fools Edition”)

Hello, fellow Celestians! Welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen newsletter! This month’s newsletter will cover both the past month’s news and events, and set us up for the upcoming month. This month’s theme focuses simply on April Fool’s Day, a day where practical jokes, gags, hoaxes, and comedy erupts at the hands of […]