The Celestia Citizen (“Pumpkin Spice” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! As you can see, we are playing around with a new format for the newsletter. With the new column-style layout, we hope this will save some space & present the newsletter in a more compressed format!
Final Fantasy XIV News
Sunday, October 1st – Last day to complete The Rising & Moogle Treasure Trove (10th Anniversary Hunt)!
Monday, October 2nd & Tuesday, October 3rd – Maintenance: Link
Tuesday, October 3rd – Patch 6.5 “Growing Light” Release: Link
Free Company News and Social Events
Open Officer applications for the following roles (you may apply on the FC Discord, and reference details for each role there):
Raid Officer
Social Events
Saturday, October 28th (800PM ET) – CEL Games PvP Tournament (Signup available in FC Discord)
Beyond the Light Interview
What is your in-game character’s name?: Yhana Stargaze
What race are you currently in-game?: Miqo’te

What drew you into your current choice of race?: It was kind of a hard decision, I was torn between Au Ra and when they came out the Viera as well and at one point I did fantasia into an Au Ra but I fell in love with the moon miqo’te and their adorable little fanged smile they have that no other races seem to have. I started as this Miqo’te years ago, finding them adorable even before looking into the game fully.
When did you first start playing FFXIV?: December 2017
What drew you to pick up and play FFXIV?: So my friend Sekrain plays this game, asked me to try it out saying the story was really good. he wasn’t wrong and I have come to really enjoy the game even if I don’t really remember the early days anymore.
How far have you gotten into the MSQ (Main Story Questline) of FFXIV?: All caught up!
What was your first (job? class? role?) when you started?: My very first job was conjurer.
What motivated you to pick that first (job? class? role?): So…long answer, I switched from wow where I played a resto Druid main. I healed for raids and difficult end game content. Even before wow I played healers. I love playing a healer, its super fun to me. I knew little of the FF world, the last major title I played being Tactics for the gameboy. but i knew WHM is a solid choice for a healer so there I went, I still main it today.
To date, what favorite jobs/roles/classes do you have?: Definitely WHM is a favorite. after that would be a tie between dancer and red mage. with summoner after that.

What kind of content do you enjoy?: MSQ, PvP, Duty Content, Side Quests, Glamour Collecting, Casual Content, Collectible Gathering
What would you say is your favorite content type from FFXIV? And why?: Glamour collecting is the real end game, i love finding new ways to make my character look cool. after that would be honestly pvp but only on 2 of the 4 main maps for frontline.
What is one thing you like about FFXIV that distinguishes them from other MMOs?: SO, I played wow for a long time, before that was everquest and runescape. what really sets ff14 apart to me is the combat, the concept of auto attacking is out the window and it takes practice and some skill to get good at to avoid taking deadly damage. it relies a little less on the class system (though those are still important roles to have) and more on your ability to actually play the game and pay attention to what the evil red puddles are trying to say. I really like that about it.
If you could make at least 1 change to FFXIV based on personal preference, what would you pick and why?: Honestly, I really like the game as is, the one thing I wanted from it, they put in. the ability to replay the MSQ. its such a long story that I truly cant remember it very well. but I have memory issues, its not that the MSQ isnt great, i just want to re-read it like a good book. I do wish they gave some other kind of reward for doing it at least once on repeat. a bit of glamour or achievement or something, who knows maybe its there and I dont know it lol.
What is your most memorable/favorite moment in FFXIV?: I dont have one favorite moment, I have many. FF14 is a social game for me. i play it with my friends Sekrain and Raltarion and we have fun together, its really nice to have something we can all enjoy.
When did you join Celestia?: December 2022
What drew you to join Celestia?: So Sekrain and I were actively looking for a FC to join for a while, we eventually took to the forums and came across a page for this FC.What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: The people. everyone is so chill and kind. I’m kind of really introverted so being around nice people is helpful towards working on my social anxieties
What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: the people. everyone is so chill and kind. im kind of really introverted so being around nice people is helpful towards working on my social anxieties.
What is your favorite weekly event to participate in with Celestia?: I haven’t yet, yet being the keyword lol.
Z’attania’s House Tours
A House Tour with Z
Emilia Soma’s House
Mist ward 29, plot 37

This month we’re taking a look at Emilia’s medium house in the Mist. Right away when you enter, you can get a feel for Emi’s love of the elegant and symmetrical, as well as the sparkly and cute.

Ivy pillars frame the entry way, and two separate lounge areas beckon warmly, but there is the distinct feeling that moogles are peering just out of sight.

Upstairs is a large trophy room, packed with all kinds of shiny Eorzean memorabilia. In the basement we find a plushie-filled bedroom, and exiting through a wall of rain brings us into an outdoor space featuring a hot tub and a romantic balcony, enclosed by greenery.

There is plenty of ambient lighting in every space, with windows, lanterns, and fireplaces all contributing to the warmth.

What Emilia is proudest of: This is Emi’s first house that she designed all by herself! She especially likes the basement balcony, and is proud that the trophy room is a tribute to her many achievements.

What Z especially liked: The outdoor deck! Emi floated a deck and combined it with the oriental bridge to make a brilliant raised platform, perfect for watching the sun set on the beach.

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