The Celestia Citizen (“May Be Patch Time Edition”)

Hello, fellow Celestians! Welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen newsletter! This month’s newsletter will cover the usual gamut of content from the previous month and the coming month.
For this month’s theme, being that it is May and we have a big patch on the way, it fell into the choice of use for our newsletter theme. Nothing too complicated, nice and simple. 🙂 May is also a pivotal time in Spring as we see the weather warm, flowers and trees begin to blossom once again, and graduate our way towards the coming summer months with a few weeks of comfort and reprieve before hot and dry temperatures set in.
Final Fantasy XIV News
First, on the XIV patch front, 6.38 had released on Thursday, April 13th. The patch had covered PvP changes, as well as some small system changes and issue resolutions on the bugs front:
Next, a Moogle Tomestones event had gone live on Monday, April 24th. As with previous Moogle events, this features an event-exclusive item, as well a myriad of different items to collect (mounts, minions, Orchestrions, Triple Triad cards, etc).:
The upcoming Patch 6.4, slated for late May, has now released its special site, teasing many of the upcoming changes and upcoming content:
Regarding the upcoming Patch 6.4, previews have been presented already with the previous “Live” Letter from the Producer on March 31st. The second half of Patch 6.4’s details will be covered with the upcoming Letter from the Producer on Friday, May 12th.:
Lastly, one important change that has been detailed ahead of Patch 6.4’s release is the changes to Allagan Tomestones. A new tier of Tomestones will be made available, Comedy. Details are listed here:
Free Company Updates and Social Events
A new officer had joined the ranks recently to cover General Officer role. Be sure to welcome, and congratulate, our new Officer, Gunner Thehunter!
We are continuing to take Officer applications at our respective Discord server for:
Raid Officer (24-Man Raid events every Tuesday)
Administration (documentation, such as meeting agendas/notes, spreadsheets, and announcements)
Primal Farming (Farming current expansion content for items)
PvP (hosting PvP content, such as Rival Wings, The Feast, Crystalline Conflict, etc)
Applications may be accepted in the FC Discord server under the #officer-directory channel.
Saturday, April 15th, was also quite busy with social events for the Free Company. The Dungeon Speed Run event was held, with the following members declared as winners:
First place went to Lil Beeps aka @Lil Beepers
And second place went to Foxerino Frappuccino aka @Foxerino Frappuccino
Be sure to congratulate our winners when you see them on next! 🙂
After the Dungeon Speed Run event, a Free Company Group Photo was organized by yours truly. Below is the final snapshot of the event, showcasing numerous members who turned out to give their finest flairs, gorgeous glamours, and wondrous wardrobes! This screenshot will be used as promotion for the Free Company via the Community Finder on Lodestone (, and a great big Thank You is being extended to all participants who helped to make this photo happen! 🙂

For upcoming social events, we will be hosting our New Member Orientation to welcome our new inductees into the Free Company from recent weeks. This is due to occur on Saturday, May 6th.
We will also be hosting a costume party on Saturday, May 20th. Please RSVP and refer to these events via our Discord server and the #social-events channel respectively! 🙂
Beyond the Light
For our next Beyond the Light interview, our winner of this month’s draw is Karah Thrace! Before we go any further, please participate in our Beyond the Light interview and tell us about yourselves so you have a chance at being featured here for the Free Company newsletter! Details are on the Discord server and in our #announcements channel (or you may message me directly at Scarlette Valanorr in the FC Discord for a copy)!
What is your in-game character’s name?: Karah Thrace
What race are you currently in-game?: Miqo’te
What drew you into your current choice of race?: I love cats! And Im also a cat behaviorlist!
When did you first start playing FFXIV?: October 2010
What drew you to pick up and play FFXIV?: I love the final fantasy franchise!
How far have you gotten into the MSQ (Main Story Questline) of FFXIV?: Just started Endwalker after a long hiatus
What was your first (job? class? role?) when you started?: Archer/Bard
What motivated you to pick that first (job? class? role?)?: The video of the miqote archer coming done and offering a song to the warrior was awesome!
To date, what favorite jobs/roles/classes do you have?: I love All the healing classes and dark knight. I rarely dps anymore
What kind of content do you enjoy?: MSQ, Savage Raids, Duty Content, Side Quests, Glamour Collecting, Casual Content, Collectible Gathering
What would you say is your favorite content type from above to do? And why?: Raiding! Its always awesome to have a group of people coming together to achieve something difficult!
What is one thing you like about FFXIV that distinguishes them from other MMOs?: The fact that your character is every class job and completely open to how you want to play. Your play style can change day to day if you so desire. Its so freeing!
If you could make at least 1 change to FFXIV based on personal preference, what would you pick and why?: FFXIV is constantly updating and offering a variety of things for players to do, so its hard to pin point any one thing as a sure fire way of making the game better! Its already fantastic as it is. I guess for me, I feel like the PS5 version of the came could use optimization to make it buttery smooth in 4k. But I feel like that may come down later down the line. Buying a PC is extremely costly atm, and Ps5 is my current device able to play the game!
What is your most memorable/favorite moment in FFXIV?: Any moment playing with Scura and Blessed back in 2016. I made an FC video for the video contest and we won! It was so magical and Its always something I look back on fondly. Being a part of the FC back in the day and having Blessed and Scura as friends truly helped me through a dark time in my life.
Do you have any favorite visuals of your character you want to share with the FC for the newsletter?:

When did you join Celestia?: January 2017
What drew you to join Celestia? Was it a person, an advertisement, etc?: Blessed and Scura Darkangel
What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: Celestia as a free company is such a wonderful experience. Everyone has and always will be super helpful and I feel like there is something for everyone in here no matter your play style, hardcore player, or super casual.
What is your favorite weekly event to participate in with Celestia?: I just got back into the game. But the weekly Raids!
Z’attania’s House Tours
A House Tour with Z
Elhana’s FC apartment
Address: Free company house, Room #200

Elhana’s FC apartment is a delightful studio, complete with sleeping area, cooking and dining area, reading corner, bathroom, and lofted storage.
Abundant plants and bright colors give a cheerful feeling, while the many wood features lend a rustic appeal.

The lofted storage looks exactly like a cluttered attic space, and the cozy reading nook begs you to sit and enjoy a book.
What the homeowner is proudest of: The kitchen! It’s well-appointed with everything an Eorzean cook could want.

What Z especially liked: The apartment is divided up into several distinct areas, which might end up feeling chaotic, but Elhana took care to dye all her wooden pieces the same color, which helps to give a unified theme throughout the apartment.

And here we are again. Another month gone. Another month closer to the next patch, and the next expansion. While there is still no sight or sound of the next expansion, it is expected that information will pour in later this year (Endwalker released December 2021, which will put the 2 year mark in December 2023). With the upcoming Final Fantasy Fan Fest event scheduled, there is the hope that some information, some teaser about the upcoming expansion will make an appearance. Be sure to pay close attention to any big news when Fan Fest occurs this coming July.
Did you also know that we are also offering a special Discord role for Fan Fest? It can be requested on the Discord server with request through an officer! We are also offering Celestia themed merchandise at #celestia-merch in the FC Discord server! One of our special items is a special team jersey!

Expect more good things coming up as we get closer to summer. Until then, See you Space Warriors of Light!
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