The Celestia Citizen (“The Thanksgiving Movie” Edition)

Hello, my fellow Celestians! And welcome to another edition of the Celestia Citizen! Our shorter format seemed to do well last month, so here we continue!
Please read regarding upcoming and important details for the Free Company, as well as upcoming holiday events!
Final Fantasy XIV News
Saturday, October 21st – FFXIV Dawntrail Details, As Brought By London Fan Festival Keynote! Link
Refer to Discord server > #ffxiv-updates channel for details as captured by Harliqyn Mave!
Tuesday, October 31st – Release of Final Fantasy XIV x Fall Guys Collaboration Event at Gold Saucer! Link
Tuesday, November 7th – Patch 6.51 Release w/ Details! Link
Wednesday, November 8th – Callback Campaign Returns! Link
Sunday, November 12th – Last day to complete the All Saints’ Wake event! Link
Monday, November 13th – All Worlds Maintenance! Link
Free Company News and Social Events
Celestia is looking for General Officers to fill its ranks. For details, including how to apply, please refer to our Discord server > #officer-directory channel!
IMPORTANT: FC Vote for Open Meeting Time Change – Refer to Discord server > #announcements channel for poll (closes on November 19th)
IMPORTANT: Endgame Learning channel is now retired; Please keep an eye out for Endgame-related content updates!
Christmas Party – Saturday, December 16th
Saturday, October 28th – CEL Game PvP Tournament Completion – Refer to Pictures from the Event Below!
First Place – Samzara Leonhart
Second Place – Mikaguiketsu Hadoki
Third Place – Squirrel Guile

Beyond the Light Interview
What is your in-game character’s name?: Floky Skjaldmaer
What race are you currently in-game?: Lalafell

What drew you into your current choice of race?: I played a TaruTaru in FF11. It is also ironic that I play the shortest race but in real life I am 6’4″
When did you first start playing FFXIV?: January 2022
What drew you to pick up and play FFXIV?: I played in 1.0 and wasn’t impressed, then I read an article about endwalker and thought, people play that POS? After doing some research I learned that the game was completely redone and thought I would give it ago cause I love FF
How far have you gotten into the MSQ (Main Story Questline) of FFXIV?: Finished
What was your first (job? class? role?) when you started?: SCH/SMN
What motivated you to pick that first (job? class? role?): I liked being able to switch between them. I could heal dungeons and dps on other stuff. I played a SMN in FF11 and loved it, but this one is nothing like that one which makes me kind of sad, but I still enjoy it. I prefer to heal though.
To date, what favorite jobs/roles/classes do you have?: Healing is where I feel at home, I leveled a WAR and I do enjoy that much more than I thought I would, but I think that is the cause because of all the nice heals they have.

What kind of content do you enjoy?: MSQ, Crafting and/or gathering, Duty Content, Side Quests, Glamour Collecting, Collectible Getting
What would you say is your favorite content type from FFXIV? And why?: It is a tie between crafting/gathering and Collecting. I have 313 Minions and 104 mounts. The crafting system in this game is unlike anything I have seen in any other game, it isn’t boring, the stuff you make you can sell and make good profits on and that helps me get more mounts and minions. Although there are only 4 minions I can purchase at this point.
What is one thing you like about FFXIV that distinguishes them from other MMOs?: The community, and the story. (yea I know you said one, lol) I have never seen such a positive community in a mmo. For the story part I like that you can just play the main story and get to max level with at least 1 job if not 2. No other game I have played does that, you always have to do side quests and things like that to supplement leveling. I also love that old content remains, somewhat, relevant and people still do it which makes it easier for new players
If you could make at least 1 change to FFXIV based on personal preference, what would you pick and why?: There are some UI updates I would like to see, like showing shields on health bars above someone’s head, stuff like that

What is your most memorable/favorite moment in FFXIV?: I would have to say when I got my “…of Dragon’s Deep” Title. You get it for catching a bunch of rate fish from ARR, some spawn windows are like 5 minutes so it takes a lot of patience to get.
When did you join Celestia?: May 2022
What drew you to join Celestia?: After I left <Iron> (involuntarily) I was looking for a place to call home that was well organized and had an active membership. I saw an add on loadstone and applied. When I did I stayed on for a couple hrs thinking well i should get an invite any time. Then I logged off thinking well in the morning I should be in, but I wasn’t and I was like huh, that’s interesting. A short time later an officer contacted me and explained about the interview and the website and guild charter which really impressed me. Most FC do not go through that type of process to get to know their players that might be in their community and I really appreciated that.
What do you like about Celestia as a Free Company?: People are friendly, helpful, and the FC is well organized. I like that we have community events, The officers actively try to help people with various things and for the most part even at low levels people can get assistance when they need it.
What is your favorite weekly event to participate in with Celestia?: Maps, I wish we had one on a weeknight as my weekends are usually full.
Call 2 Interview (For Beyond the Light)!
We currently are in need of more FC members willing to participate in our Beyond the Light interview!
The link to the interview form is here, as well as hosted under our Discord server > #announcements channel!
Important: As of November 2023, a new interview form has been created for usage – A Google account is no longer required to participate. Pictures are optional, and those selected to be interviewed for newsletter will be followed up with for possible pictures.
Form Link: Link
Holiday Glamours!
With Christmas and the holidays coming up fast, there will be those who seek to don their holiday glamours to get into the festive Eorzean spirit!
For the December 2023 and January 2024 newsletters, I aim to have a special section reserved for those who want to show their jovial, festive, merry, and spirituous glamours off!
Those who have pictures to submit may either follow-up with me directly via Discord message OR via another method due to be announced early next month! Please look forward to it! 🙂
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